Stage Six and Carlos

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Harry woke up clutching his head. He could feel a liquid. Out of panic, he stood up and looked around. Oh, it isn't blood... he thought, sighing with relief. He noticed him and Ben were locked in a tank, with water pouring in from every edge. On one edge was the door he assumed they were put in through, and he could see a little barbed wire peeking through. On the opposite side was another door, with a lock. He thought that must be the door they use to escape. In the centre of the room was a small glass case, holding a key inside. On either side was a keyboard of numbers 0-9. Above each keyboard was screen and on the top of the case was a small door. Harry's first idea was to smash the glass but he quickly realised he couldn't, the glass was too strong. The tank they were stuck in was filling up fast, if they didn't get out of there quickly, they might not make it out at all, and Carlos would be killed. The pirate looked down and spotted Ben still unconscious on the floor. "Wake up, loser,"Harry said, kicking Ben in the ribs. The King groaned and opened his eyes.
"What was the kick for?"he asked, mumbling.
"Sorry what was that? I don't speak moron." Ben groaned again before standing up.
"Where the hell are we?!"
"I dunno, look around, see if ye can figure it out yeself, since yer the smart one." Ben looked around the room. He walked over to the case holding the key.
"You tried punching it?"he asked.
"Ye, of course!" Harry went and stood next to Ben.
"We have to crack a code. You do this side, I'll do the other."
"Kay. I gotta deal for ye."
"What is it?"
"Whoever cracks their code quicker, gets to date Pup when we save 'im."
"Deal,"Ben quickly agreed, starting on his code immediately. He knew he was smarter then Harry, and would probably solve it way quicker then the pirate. Little did Ben know, Harry had a secret talent. He was amazing with code cracking, which was the whole reason he challenged Ben to it. After a few minuets, the water had reached Harry's waist, slightly above Ben's. Finally, they both cracked it at the same time. "I did it first!"they both exclaimed. The door opened and both boys scrambled to grab the key first. Harry won and rushed to the door, letting them out. Ben growled but exited anyway, closing the door behind them. They both stopped dead in their tracks...

Carlos struggled against the ropes he was tied up in. The figure laughed. "You can't escape! You should know that by now,"it teased, running it's hand through the puppy boy's hair.
"Leave me alone,"Carlos growled, shaking his head. Only Jay could touch his hair.
"Awww, but that would be boring! At least you know you have two of your friends coming to save you." Carlos looked up. The figure turned on a screen to show Harry and Ben cracking codes in a room. The son of Cruella smiled. He then noticed the cuts and scratches all over their chests and arms.
"What did you do to them?!"he exclaimed.
"Many things, dear pup. I wonder if they'll make it to you in time..."
"W... what do you mean?" The figure smiled ominously.
"You're mine now..." Carlos shook his head. The figure slapped him.
"I will never be yours. I will never belong to anyone. Hit me all you want, I'm used to it." The figure hit him again and again. His nose started bleeding and he could feel himself started to slip out of consciousness.

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