Carlos chooses

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"I guess I would choose..." Before Carlos could finish, Jay walked in.
"Oh hey guys, we weren't expecting you,"he said, smiling. Carlos smiled and ran over to hug Jay. The ex-thief was a little surprised, but hugged Carlos back nonetheless. Harry rolled his eyes and Carlos frowned.
"So, who'd ya choose?"Harry asked again. Jay frowned in confusion.
"Wait what?"he asked looking at Carlos.
"They're making me choose between them,"he replied.
"No, we aren't making you!"Ben cut in. "If you don't want to, we aren't gonna force you." The young King gave his friend a reassuring smile. Carlos smiled back.
"If I had to choose between you, I'd choose Ben." Ben smiled while Harry frowned, jealous. Jay grinned, before stepping away from Carlos.
"I'll leave you guys to this,"he said, giving Carlos a suggestive wink. The son of Cruella groaned before gently shoving his best friend out of the room and shutting the door. Harry walked over to Carlos and whispered in his ear.
"Ye sure ye'd rather have King Dork over their over me?"he asked. Carlos frowned and nodded. Harry sighed. "You have pretty bad taste."
"Okay, insult me all you like,"Ben cut in. "But insult Carlos and you're gonna have a lotta mad people running at you." The son of Hook just rolled his eyes.
"Besides,"Carlos added. "What's wrong with being a dork?" Ben smiled.
"Exactly, Harry,"he smirked. The boy with a hook groaned before leaving the apartment. Ben walked over to Carlos. "But... you're serious? You'd... you'd rather be with me than... Harry?" Carlos nodded, smiling.
"I mean... I did have a little crush on you when we first came..."he admitted, blushing. Ben grinned before pressing his lips against Carlos'.

Harry looked across the beach. He felt like his whole world had been crushed. Carlos prefers Ben. The words he'd said were ringing in his head. 'If I had to choose between you, I'd choose Ben.' 'What's wrong with being a dork?' Harry sighed, throwing a stone into the water, watching it sink in the clear ocean. Sink just like his feelings. He felt someone sit beside him. "It's not the end of the world, you know,"came Gil's calming voice.
"Yes it is,"Harry snapped, not looking at his friend. "Carlos meant everything to me, now he's chosen Ben over me." He mocked Ben's voice as he said his name.
"I'm sure there's someone out there who'd really love to be with you. Probably felt how you feel all this time as you'd done on to them about Carlos." Harry finally looked up at Gil.
"Ye have a crush on me, don't ye?"Harry asked. Gil blushed.
"A little one..."he admitted. Harry smirked before pulling Gil into a light kiss. Maybe this was what he needed all along.

The next morning, Jay, Ben and Carlos visited Mal and Evie at their mini castle. "So..."Mal questioned, spotting Ben's protective arm around Carlos' waist. "What happened last night?" Jay quickly explained and Mal nodded. They then all sat down.
"You found anything?"Carlos asked. Evie had been working none stop to find out who kidnapped Carlos and did all those things to Ben and Harry. The puppy boy was tracing the scars on his new boyfriend's arms, remembering what it was like to first see him and Harry like that.
"Not much so far. The police are helping me out with this and promised to call as soon as they found something,"she explained, her eyes still glued to her laptop screen. Mal smiled and rolled her eyes before slowly taking the laptop from Evie. Her girlfriend whined a little in response, but didn't make an effort to try and take it back. She had been quite overwhelmed with this whole project. Evie took the TV remote and turned on the television, before her phone started ringing. "It's the police,"she stated, looking at the caller ID. She then picked up. "Hello?" A quick conversation later, the placed her phone down again. "They found the person who took you,"she exclaimed, excitedly. Carlos smiled.
"Who?"Mal asked.
"CJ Hook."

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