Stage Three and Evie's Cottage

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The next room was a huge maze. The exit, however, was right in from of them. Ben looked at it and realised there were about ten locks on the door. "I think the keys to these locks are hidden in the maze..."he stated. Harry laughed.
"Ye, of course! I reckon I'll find more then ye!"Harry challenged. Ben smirked.
"You're on!" The two raced into separate halves of the maze, each desperate to get more then the other. Ben ended up finding four keys, meaning Harry must have six. He went back into the corridor with the exit in and unlocked the locks he could with the keys he had. Harry found him.
"Looks like we're even, mate." Ben looked at him, confused.
"But I only found four?"
"Eh? I found five?" The two looked at each other, confused. "Maybe ye missed one."
"I looked everywhere, in every nook and cranny. There's no way I missed one." Ben frowned. Harry looked up.
"There it is." Ben followed his gaze and saw the last key hanging night up.
"Give me a boost, I can reach it if you do."
"Eh, no mate. Ye are givin' me a boost!"
"But you're heavier then me, and stronger. You can take my weight better. Beside, I have less keys then you."
"Ye, but I'm taller. I'd reach it better!"
"Just give me a god damn boost!" Harry sighed in annoyance before kneeling slightly and holding out his hands. Ben stepped on them and Harry lifted him slightly. "Little more." Harry raised him a bit higher. Ben's fingers brushed the tip of the key. "Higher." Harry lifted Ben as high as he could. The King grabbed the key just in time for Harry to drop him, Ben toppling on top of the pirate. "What the hell was that for?!"
"Ye were gettin' heavy. Couldn' take it." Ben groaned before standing up. He offered a hand to Harry, he waved him away and stood up. The King put the last key in the lock and pushed open the door, him and Harry bracing themselves before stepping into the next room.

"I hope they're okay,"Evie said, placing her slice of pizza down, worry in her voice.
"I'm sure they're fine,"Mal reassured, taking her girlfriend's hand. Jay fiddled with something in his fingers. "What's that?"
"Something Carlos gave me,"he replied, putting the object in his pocket.
"What is it?"Evie asked.
"Something that he made for me." Evie rolled her eyes at Jay's bland description. The friends sat there in silence.
"Harry's got this,"Uma said, smiling a little.
"So has Ben,"Mal defended.
"Never said he didn't."
"We don't even know what they're doing and how long it'll take,"Gil piped up, "They might be gone for days, or even weeks."
"Don't worry E any more!"Mal scolded. Gil muttered an apology.
"I'm sure they've got this,"Jay said, getting the object out of his pocket again and turning it over in his hand. Mal peered over his shoulder to take a look. It looked like a bracelet, an orange band with little silver lamps decorating  the sides. It had a sign that looked like a tag off a collar that said 'Jay' on it. Mal smiled.
"It's a friendship bracelet,"she teased, snatching it out of his hand to get a better look.
"Hey give that back!" Jay lunged for it but Mal jumped out of the way, running up the stairs. Jay chased her up there, now embarrassed. Evie's I guess, shaking her head slightly. Gil grabbed another slice of pepperoni pizza.
"They'll be fine,"Uma finally said, taking a large bite of her cheese pizza slice. Evie nodded, looking out of the window.

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