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Ritchie stopped as you booped him, leaving everyone a little confused.

Ritchie: "I'm fine. These heroes are always so dumb, thinking they know everything!"

Chadd: "We do, we know your crimes and that your a villain we're taking done!"

Lin: "Your really pathetic choosing to be a villain!"

Ritchie: "Not everyone gets a choice!"

Lin: "Yes you do, you could've not done the stuff you did!"

Ritchie: "Tell that to Jane Laker killed after being returned by a hero because they thought she was lying about their so on quote family trying to make more villains, or Jim Hugen who was brainwashed and the heroes killed him because he was being too violent,  the thing is he tried to ask for help and they turned him down! Tell that to the people who push and bully a person past their breaking point, the ones that try to die by fail and turns to a life of crime! Tell that to the society that let's these people suffer on the streets and they have to steal to survive or work for a villain because they are the only ones to support them! We can't forget about the people shunned for their powers because they are dangerous or villainous. Thet treatment and conditioning turns them into killers and villains. We couldn't forget about how this society carelessly throws their kids out the door for having a different or opposite power of theirs! What about the system that let's the kids be abused or rot away in an orphanage/foster home because they people that wanted them didn't have enough money to adopt, yet had enough to support them, instead they end up hating life or being adopted by villains!"

Lin: "I, um, You're still in the wrong! You could've done this more peacefully to bring up your concerns!"

Ritchie: "My people have been! Our peaceful protest have been met with the rich abusing their power to kept things the same, we've been arrested for exercising out rights! You wouldn't lessen to peace, but you lessen when a war has begun! I'll attack every corrupt agency, twisted business, hero, horrible homes until there is a change! We shall become the villains so our kids and the generations after us doesn't!"

With that they began fighting against, until the Teacher said to stop.

Teacher: "I hope you have learned everything isn't as black and white as it seems. There are times when the heroes end up being the villains and the villains the heroes. Now go to your dorms and clean up!"

Dare n Ask SHA rebootWhere stories live. Discover now