Glimmer x Reader Soulmates Part 2

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When you reach the top of the stairs you bow slightly toward all of them to show respect. "May I present to you Princess y/n of Fire Town. I am JJ, her Royal Adviser, and that is Suki, the captain of the Royal Guard." JJ spoke as he and Suki bowed, well Suki bowed as well as she could holding Balto in her arms. "Is that a baby!?" Adora, who had transformed out of her She-ra form when she realized you weren't a threat, said with wide eyes looking at Balto in aw. You laughed lightly, "Yes that is my son Balto. You may hold him if you want." You respond taking Balto from Suki befor holding him out to Adora. Adora grabbed Balto quickly but also as softly as she could. Glimmer stayed silent after hearing your name, eyes wide in shock. Bow looks at her questioningly, "Maybe we should take this inside." and starts walking away but not after pulling Glimmer with him and having a silent conversation.

"It's her... it's really her!" Glimmer whispers to Bow, still in shock. "But why now? Well no I can understand why now but does she come to us now so she can have the title of queen and who's the father of the baby? Does she already have a family without me? Should I" Glimmer gets cut off by the guards opening the room to the war room (is that what it's called?). Glimmer takes her seat at the head of the table while Bow, Adora, and Catra sit at their reserved seats. As you walk into the room you look around in amazement. "Wow... this is way more bright than my castle." You see a giant window and walk over to it, with Balto in your arms to show him the view. "Look at that buddy." You say pointing around to different things. He just claps happily in response. You smile down at your son before pulling him into you and letting him rest his head in the crook of your neck. You walk back over to everyone before asking if you can stand during the meeting to help Balto fall asleep.

After everyone saying it was okay, it was time to get down to business. "So why are y'all here, who are you exactly, and why show up now?" Adora spits out, confused with their being another princess. You chuckle at her curiosity before answering, "As said before I'm Princess y/n of Fire Town. Fire Town is located behind the Fright Zone so there was no easy way to communicate with the rest of the world. Luckily we did get deemed unnecessary and have been living life as peaceful as possible. I still sent spies into the Fright Zone and took supplies when I could, anything to weaken them. I came here because some people," you nudge your head at JJ and Suki, "convinced me it was time to meet my soulmate. I honestly would have come earlier if I hadn't been trying to rebuild my town or stuck behind the Horde." "Who's you're soulmate?" Catra asks. You take a quick glance at Glimmer to see if she has any reaction when you say her name. When you do say her name, she tenses up before getting up and storming out.

Everyone stares at each other awkwardly before you move towards the door. You stop just short and turn to Suki. "Watch him for me real quick please." You'd ay as you hand a sleeping Balto over to her. "And JJ, talk to him." You say with a wink before walking out. With the help do the palace guards you manage to find Glimmers room. You know on the door and wait a few minutes. When she doesn't answer, you blatantly walk into her room. When you walk in you hear muffled cries from the bed handing in the middle of the room. Shit you think before walking to a stretched out floating staircase (I think she might have gotten an on the floor bed). You honestly try like 50 time trying to get past the 3rd stair. Right as you try again you feel something grab you before teleporting you to the bed. Scared, you hold onto the person tightly and shove your face into their shoulder. They hug you back as best as they can and you let go of them when your breathing and heart rate finally calm down. When you finally look up at who you were hugging, you notice it was Glimmer.

You had messed up her shirt when you held onto her and started apologizing profusely. Making your soulmate mark burn before turning black. She grabs both your hands making you freeze, "it's okay, it's just a shirt." She says, flinching slightly when her soulmate mark burns and turns black. "Are you okay? Why did you storm out?" You ask as you run your thumbs over the back of her hands. "I was conflicted," she responds laying down, "I am so happy that your actually here and I've finally met you. But then you walked in with a kid... And then I got sad because I realized you have a whole family without me and that you probably want to reject or soulmate marks." You turn to lay on your back, pulling Glimmer on top of you. "I'm sorry it took me this long to come and finally meet you. I wanted to go out and help and join the princess rebellion. And when I finally had the chance, Horde Prime came and a whole new set of problems arose. As for Balto, I realized who you were long ago. And I knew if we had a child they would technically be the heir to both our kingdoms. So I had Balto so he could be the heir to my throne and whenever we have another child they can be the heir to your throne. Or if they wanted to they could switch I guess." Glimmer takes a moment to let your words sink in. "That makes more sense now. I'm sorry I doubted you before." "No worries," you reply, "but now that we have gotten all of that sorted out I can do this..." Glimner looks at you confused and opens her mouth to ask a question before getting pulled into a kiss by you. It takes her a minute to reciprocate, due to shock, but when she does y'all have a make out session. All those years of knowing who your soulmate is but not being able to be near them or to touch them had taken a toll on you. Before it could get any further a knock on the door causing you both the pull away, breathing heavily. When you both look down you see Suki walking in with Balto, who still looks pretty tired. "He woke up and wouldn't stop looking around for you, sorry." "It's fine." You respond before looking for a way to get down off the bed. Glimmer grabs your arm, stopping you. Before saying that she got it and teleports down to grab Balto before teleporting back up.

As soon as she lays down Balto snuggles up to you and stuffs his face into your chest. You giggle at how tired he is. You probably giggled to loud cause next thing you know, he pops you right in the mouth. You look down at him in shock at what just happened. Glimmer laughed at the whole scene that played out before her, glad that you and her had talked some stuff out. Balto suddenly turns around to lay in his back before reaching a arm out to Glimmer. She smiles down at him before laying down. This time Balto turn towards her and shoves his face into her chest before falling asleep. You move yourself closer to the duo and wrap and arm around Glimmer and Balto. You smiled at how comfortable Balto was with Glimmer already and how soft Glimmer had been with him. You knew you and Glimmer had a lot to talk about but right now, everything was perfect.

(This one was only a 2 parter but if anyone wants me to I can expand it. I'm not gonna update next week, well I might depending on how much I watch, because I need to watch some ATLA and binge LOK. I have like 3 mini series ideas for them and a request🥳. So after that I'll be stocked up for a few months😁.)

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