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Hayato always got excited whenever we found major clues like footprints and things of the sort. In all honesty, Ayshe and her dogs were the ones that did all the major scouting for clues and prints. Ayshe proved to be a very capable escort as well, there was one time where she literally shot the dagger she's been using for all the digging and cutting, straight to Don's direction, stabbing a poisonous spider right beside him. A very keen and scary ability as well, I can feel myself gulp in astonishment. She's the perfect escort as a finder, protector, assassin possibly and also a surveillance agent. I shook my negative thoughts off, but it won't deter me from being cautious around them as well. 

"Are we going to be able to protect them?" Gilda inched closer to me and Don while Ayshe and Hayato advanced a few steps ahead of us to look for other clues. 

"No," Don pat Gilda's shoulder, "It's 'how' are we going to save them." He grinned reassuringly. 

"Hey Don, you started to sound like Emma." I chuckled feeling quite surprised at his response. 

"Well, Emma's a very stubborn person, but her personality somehow rubs off on people as well." He answered with a smile. 

"You're right, I'm sorry." Gilda shook her head a little and had a more clearer grip on the goal we're trying to achieve.

"Don't worry Mujika has Sonju and as long as he's there, they won't be killed off easily. 

Though, it would help a lot if only we could understand what she's thinking." Don mumbled in a low voice. It's true Sonju would be able to fend them off if anything goes awry, however, I don't know what Ayshe's capable of doing as well. Don had been attempting all his might to make Ayshe warm up to us. However, it's a long way from success. Dusk came along once more and we dozed off trying to regain more strength for the next day, a new journey awaits.

It's been a few days on the chase, and we managed to avoid crossing paths with demons throughout the whole journey. I guess, being on the chase for 2 years, infiltrating demon towns, hunting for food, escaping from pursuers, we actually picked up a lot of new skills on the way. If we found any demon footprints or even human bones, we'd skid away from there, we memorized practically the whole map to know whether we're going to encounter demon towns if we went ahead. I was following a brushed off trail of new soil on the ground. It seems as if someone tried to clear their path, a familiar attempt that we were taught to do. Ah there it is, a deep new footprint. 

"Don, Gilda!" I notified them immediately at my discovery. 

I looked up at them trying to get their opinion on the shape and size of the prints. I'm pretty sure it's one that belonged to the demon horse Sonju rode back when he saved Ray that one time. Gilda and Don noticed it right away that they told Hayato and Ayshe that there's going to be a demon town ahead and we should really return. 

"There is a lot of wild demon footprint around, I don't think it's safe for us to be frolicking around the area either." I concluded while we prepared to get moving once more. 

"Woah, you guys are pretty amazing in finding and surviving in these woods huh?" Hayato cheerfully said whilst making his way back to us. 

Ayshe perked up beside me and the dogs began to growl aggressively, something's coming. I quickly pivoted myself to look behind me and a wild demon appeared right behind Hayato unknowingly. 

"Hayato!" Don alerted him, notifying him of the cruel fate that might befall Hayato if he did not make a move right away. 

It disguised itself as a tree, how could we not notice this from the beginning? I quickly pulled Hayato out from the danger zone. Ayshe was already aiming for the demon, but Don was faster with his hands. With one swift motion, he flicked a stone towards the demon's eye, catching his attention and luring him away from us. At that moment, Gilda and I quickly dragged Hayato and Ayshe away from the place. We ran as fast as we could, until we found a more secluded area, free of prints. I analyzed the surroundings, it seems safe enough to stay for a little while. We might as well camp here for the night. Don returned a few moments later, panting but alive. 

"Good job Don!" Gilda and I immediately ran to his aid checking for any possible wounds or injuries. 

"Relax guys, I got off pretty easily." He laughed it off. 

Hayato leaped out to Don out of nowhere, engulfing him in a big bear hug, crying with overwhelming gratitude. 

"Thank you for saving me Don! But you could've just shot it dead. That was way too dangerous of your action." Hayato cried out. 

"No problem. Well I don't think it was necessary to shoot, we can get off easily, the terrain isn't too difficult to maneuver around. Besides, we have to save our bullets, they're limited." Don brushed it off with a light-hearted attitude. 

"You see, we don't really wish to kill if it's possible. We'd leave too much track behind us if we do, pursuers might be able to catch us if we leave too much trail along the way." I smiled reminding him that we're not alone in this quest. 

"We've been through quite a lot of the whole 'being chased' scenario, that we became very careful when it comes to things like this." I said softly. 

"I see." Hayato nodded in understanding.

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