𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔲𝔰 𝔱𝔴𝔬

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Sejeong sat peacefully on the couch, her phone in one hand and the other in a bag of salt and vinegar chips she found in the pantry

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Sejeong sat peacefully on the couch, her phone in one hand and the other in a bag of salt and vinegar chips she found in the pantry.

It's been a day and the wallet owner hasn't gotten back to her yet. She decided to surrender it to a nearby police station if he didn't contact her before school started.

She heard the front door unlock and she knew Donghyuck was home. As there were security cameras in the hall, he uses the door to not cause any misunderstandings.

"Is that bullshit I smell or is it just you?" 

"It's you, bitch." Sejeong yawned. She took one last handful of the corn snack and went to wash her hands. "By the way, where's the nearest police station?"

"Why? Are you finally turning yourself in for being a brat?" Donghyuck asked, taking a seat on his beloved couch. He changed the setting on the TV and turned his PS4 on.

"I was thinking of turning you in for breathing." She retorted.

Sejeong finished washing her hands a took a seat beside him, purposely shaking her hands in front of him. The boy glared at her and turned her phone into a brick.

"I need that!" She exclaimed, hands on both of her hips. "I have someone's wallet but they aren't replying to me so I thought about surrendering it to the police."

"I can take you there tomorrow on my way to work." Donghyuck offered. He turned her phone back to normal and continued to play his game.

"Do you have an extra controller?" Sejeong asked, wanting to play too.

"Hand me the remote."

Sejeong did as asked and watched him turn it into a controller. He connected it to the console and gave it to the girl.

"Are you going to make friends this school year or are you gonna sit it out?" Donghyuck asked after a while. He was somewhat concerned for his cousin.

There was nothing wrong with her really, she just enjoyed being alone and to herself rather than being open. It just scared him one day she would blow.

"Maybe I'll make at least one. Just one to get my mom to relax." Sejeong answered. "I already have one in mind."

"Poor unfortunate soul." Donghyuck joked, earning an eye roll from the girl. She mocked him in a tiny voice. "I do not sound like that."

"Being around people I don't vibe with drains me physically." She grumbled.

"What about me?"

"You need to be a person first." Sejeong instantly ducked, avoiding his attack before sticking her tongue out at him. "You're practically my brother at this point."

"How about you hang out with me and my friends for lunch? They're nice people." He offered. He bit his lower lip as he poured all his focus onto the game. "Don't go there, that leads to a dead end."

"They're mages too right?"

Donghyuck nodded. "Earth and Plasma users."

"I'll think about it after I meet them." Sejeong mumbled. "They would count as friends I guess."

The two continued playing the game in silence, only conversing when needed. After about an hour, Sejeong's phone began to ring.

"Pause the game." Sejeong said, glancing at her phone.

"I don't need to." Donghyuck mumbled. "I won't do anything."

"I don't trust you." Sejeong huffed. He just did as she asked, pausing the game and leaning back into the couch.


"Hi um did you get my voicemail?"

".....No I'm sorry. Who is this?"

"Well to put it short you dropped your wallet at that antique shop. It was probably my fault you did but yeah."

"Can we meet today?"

"Yeah of course— and he hung up." Sejeong sighed. Her phone buzzed with a notification.

wallet boy

Cafe 127.

"Hyuckie." She sweetly called, leaning against her cousin. "Have I ever told you—"

"Walk there."


Sejeong trudged to the cafe which was surprisingly near the apartment. Still, she'd rather get a ride than walk since she was lazy. She didn't expect to run into a familiar face in front of a flower shop.

"Sup Mork. I see you got a job." She greeted, happy to see her former dance troupe leader. "Are those tulips?"

"Yeah. Heard you moved in with Donghyuck." Mark touched one of the tulip bud, making it bloom. He handed it to her and smiled. "Welcome to the magical neighborhood."

"Thanks." Sejeong returned his smile before leaving. She found the cafe and entered.

"Welcome to Cafe 127." The staff greeted with a bunny like smile.

She looked around and saw a familiar hoodie at the corner. He had his head resting on his folded arms as an empty cup of coffee sat before him.

Sejeong pulled the chair from across him and took a seat. "Hey, wallet boy."

The boy seemed surprised as he shot up from his position. His wide eyes stared right at her, analyzing her confused face.

He looked somewhat different from the picture on the ID. Unlike the picture, his face was somewhat gaunt with dark circles under his eyes and dry chapped lips. His blonde hair was a mess as if he had just gotten out off bed. 

It looked like the life was sucked out of him.

"Hello." He hesitantly greeted.

"Make sure not to lose your wallet next time. You're lucky I was the one who picked it up." Sejeong said, sliding the wallet over to him. "I didn't take anything but I did put a little good luck charm inside."

"Thank you." He mumbled getting up. He placed a couple of bills on the table and made his way out before she could even blink.

"You could at least accompany me you know!" She huffed, crossing her arms. She looked through the menu as she was fuming.

The staff approached her and pointed to a drink. "I recommend the strawberry latte if you want to cool off."

"I don't think he left enough money, bunny boy." Sejeong mumbled counting the money he left behind. "Ah, he's pissing me off. So much for making friends."

"It's on the house. You remind me of someone so I'll treat you." He assured, walking to the bar.

"I'll make you my friend if it's the last thing I do."

Park Jisung seems interesting.


So they met

boring yes

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