𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔲𝔰 𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔢

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It was a an uneventful Sunday

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It was a an uneventful Sunday. Sejeong waited by the station, keeping herself preoccupied by scrolling on her phone. She had just texted Jisung where she was and hoped he would come. 

She was reluctant to contact him at first but pushed through with the thought of getting to know him better. She texted Chenle to act like they were hanging out so Donghyuck wouldn't find out. 

Minutes later, she spotted Jisung running up to her at the corner of her eye. He skidded to a stop before her, placing his hands just above his knees as he tried to catch his breath.

"You look like you just ran a marathon." She teased.

"You texted me saying there was an emergency." He nearly choked out, trying to catch his breath. 

"Oh yeah." Sejeong recalled. "The emergency is, I'm bored and want to hang out."

"I'm leaving." He seethed, turning to leave.

"Are you mad?" She asked, walking beside him. "I'm sorry for giving you a scare like that. I didn't know how else to get you here."

"I was at the PC Cafe." He mumbled, picking up his pace. He wouldn't admit it, but he was genuinely worried when he received that text.

"I'm sorry. Forgive me Park!" Sejeong apologized. She smiled and pinched his cheek. "At least I know that if I were in trouble, I know I can come to you. You're such a great friend."

"I'm going to block your number. You can die now for all I care." He sulked, swatting her hand away. 

"You wanna grab a bite? My treat to make it up to you." Sejeong offered. 

"Not in the mood to eat." He declined. His stomach seemed to betray him as it let out a loud growl. "I'm not-"

"When was the last time you ate?" She interjected. "Park Jisung look me in the eye."

"Friday." He answered. The girl shook her head and locked arms with him. 

"This is to make sure you don't escape. We're going to eat whether you like it or not." Sejeong declared, dragging him to the nearest restaurant. "How could you starve yourself like that? What if you get sick?"

"I could just heal myself." His voice was quiet, his response going unheard by the girl. They take a seat and she kept a hand on Jisung's shoulder to keep him from trying to escape.

"You should eat something soothing first since you didn't eat for a day." She mumbled, looking through the menu. "You're not allergic to anything are you? I forgot to ask before I started making lunch for us."

"I'm not, don't worry." He assured.


Jisung was reluctant to spend time with her outside of school, but as the time dragged on, he came to like it. After they finished eating lunch, she somehow got him to accompany her around town. He was just mostly listening and observing her.

They had spent most of their time in the arcade playing against each other. Sejeong was sulking at the fact she lost to him three times in a row at Dance Dance Revolution. It was awkward for a bit, but he was able to get her to lighten up by taking her to bunny cafe.

"Look Jisung!" 

Jisung put his cup down and turned to where she was playing with the bunnies. She was cradling one of the bunnies in her arms, the bunny deep asleep in her arms.

"You two look the same." He chuckled.

"Do we?" She blinked, looking at her reflection in the window. "I think we don't. The bunny is definitely cuter."

"Whatever you say, Darling." Jisung shrugged. 

After about another thirty minutes of Sejeong playing with the bunnies and Jisung just watching whilst petting a bunny, the two decided to leave before their bill turned larger. She rummaged through her purse but Jisung placed a hand over her bag.

"Let me pay." Jisung mumbled, already opening his wallet. He handed the cashier a couple of bills and waited for his change. 

"You still have the little good luck charm I left for you?" She pointed out. Right where his ID should be seen was a polaroid picture of her. "I expected you to throw it away."

"Jaemin won't let me. He keeps putting it back or has Haneul or Namu repair it." He explained. He got his change and opened the door for her.

"So he is good for something after all." She commented, skipping out the cafe. The sun was setting by this time and Jisung was growing uneasy. "Hey, it's the antique shop from before."

Before Jisung could protest, she was already halfway in. He followed after her and spotted her in front of one of the shelves easily. 

"It's getting late. Shouldn't you head home?" Jisung reminded, pointing to his watch.

"It's fine. Donghyuck isn't as strict as you think." She reassured. "Here it is. This was the ring I was looking at when I bumped into you. I'm glad it's still here."

"Why don't you buy it?" Jisung asked.

"It's a bit on the pricey side. I don't want to buy it with the allowance my mom gives me."

"You can come back next week. We're having a sale soon." The owner said, emerging from the back room. "I see you two have become well acquainted."

"Oh, it's the owner. It's all thanks to you." Sejeong greeted with a bow. 

"Call me Taeil." He said. "You have really great taste. That ring is said to be the ring of Jeong, the fiancee of the greatest Aureus Magus Seong."

"Don't you find it cool, Jisung?" She stared at the ring in awe. "This is so pretty." 

"I'll put a reservation on that then. I'll wait for your return." Taeil assured. "The boy has a point that it's late though. You never know what kind of mages prowl at night."

"We'll be on our way then. We promise to be back." Sejeong said. The two excused themselves with a promise of return. 

Sejeong watched Jisung disappear down the street before before heading back to the apartment building. There was always that melancholic feeling being alone after having fun with someone else.

She reached the apartment in no time, ringing the doorbell until Donghyuck finally opened it. 

"Took you long enough." Sejeong huffed, walking in.

"Your fault for forgetting your keys. I was halfway through my shower when the doorbell rang." Donghyuck shot back. His smile faded as his eyes fall on her shoulder. "Who were you with?"

"I was hanging out with Chenle. Why?" She questioned innocently. 

"Nothing." He mumbled. He walked past her, grabbing the dark creature on her shoulder before she could notice.


I didn't update yesterday since I was so tired from my birthday and all 

You guys have any song recommendations??

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