𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔲𝔰 𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶-𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯

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"I still have no idea what this could mean

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"I still have no idea what this could mean. Why are all four the same name and the last one was different?" Renjun groaned, throwing the papers onto the ground. He glared at the paper which Jaemin picked up. "What could the pattern be? Should I arrange them in the order she got them or?"

"Littering is bad, Renjeon." Jaemin quietly scolded.

"For the millionth time Na Jaemin, my name is Renjun not Renjeon." Renjun corrected. "And why am I the only one here trying to figure out who wants to harm Squeaky here?"

"You talk like you already finished the mandatory essay reflection about it being the 444th year since peace between mages and humans."

"Bold of you to assume I did the essay." Renjun gloated, showing his perfectly empty paper to the group.

"There's an essay?!" Chenle gasped, looking up from his phone. He looked over at Jeno who was was still writing. "Hey, give me a piece of paper."

"No wonder you're just scrolling through Twitter." Sejeong chuckled, eating a forkful of pasta. "Hyuck the pasta you made is good."

"Give Jisung some. There's a reason why I added more." Donghyuck said. "But don't share forks!"

"I love this development." Jaemin teased leaning close to Donghyuck. 

Donghyuck instantly scooted away. "Shut up. I'm only here for Sejeong." 

"Do you think you can actually finish in time? We have ten minutes left." Jeno asked as he handed the boy some paper.

"If I can bullshit my way through my midterms, I can do the same with this essay." Chenle mumbled, quickly scribbling his thoughts onto the paper. "I can talk about superstition since it's the 444th year."

"That is a pretty unlucky number." Donghyuck agreed.

"Right? I can put something bad could happen this year." Chenle added.

Sejeong shook her head at Chenle, wondering how he passed his tests like this. She finished up the last bit of the cookies Felix had given her to fulfill his promise of letting her taste something he made.

She looked over at Jisung who was drawing random shapes into her palm with his finger. "Do you think Taeil would know?"

"Taeil? About what?" He questioned.

"The controlling thing and red pupils. I mean, if he owns an antique shop like that I'm pretty sure he'd know a thing or two about these kind of things." She explained. "I don't know but something about him seems weird, but in a good way."

"Well, there's no harm in trying to ask him then." He shrugged. "Do you just want us two to go or do you want to invite the others?"

"I think they'd invite themselves even if we don't invite them so what choice do we have?" She jokingly sighed. 

"I wanted to have you to myself though." Jisung's cheeks puffed up a bit as he jutted his bottom lip out to a pout. As much as he loved being around his friends, he missed having Sejeong to himself.

"You know, I seriously don't understand why people think you're scary with how cute you are." Sejeong wondered. "Stop pouting, you know it doesn't work with me."

"It's because he speaks to you in 300% softness settings." Jaemin piped in.

"Fuck off." Jisung glowered, expression changing in a split second.

"See? He talks to us in 300% aggressiveness." Jaemin opined.

"My classes end an hour before the rest. Let's meet up at the rooftop to relax before we leave." Sejeong suggested.

"I'd hate to burst your bubble but the bell just rang."

"Boys." Sejeong called as they were leaving. "Let's all meet up at the rooftop later after class."

"Will Renjun and Donghyuck finally brawl?" Jeno joked, a glimmer of hope in his eyes it might be real.

"As entertaining as that sounds, we need to meet up with someone that might be able to help us." Sejeong answered. 

"Is it alright if I hold onto these papers? I feel like I might be able to solve this." Renjun asked.

"With what braincell?" Donghyuck huffed.

"No braincell no opinion." Renjun shot back, rolling his eyes.

"Don't you two share a braincell though?" 

"This group is getting along pretty well." Sejeong mused as she walked passed the bickering trio.

"Minus the fact they're at each other's throats." Jisung added. He kissed her forehead with a mumble of goodbye as he joined Jeno to walking to their next class.

Sejeong barely made it in time for her class. She was never really fond of history as she hated having to memorize the whole book only to forget everything after the exam. 

"It is said that the leader of the mages against peace, Yong, made a vow in his dying moments. According to witnesses, he vowed to return to destroy the peace and order set by Seong and his army." The teacher explained. "Some say that Yong actually li..."

She couldn't seem to focus as the teachers voice grew softer and softer. Her vision began to blur while her eyes suddenly grew heavy. A wave of nausea had her put her head down to rest, only to fall into a deep slumber. 

"Join me." He said.

"I beg your pardon?" She blinked.

"Leave Seong's pathetic army. With you by my side, I can win this war. You will be my queen in the new world." His offer sounded more like a command which infuriated the girl.

"You must be crazy. There is no way in hell I'll leave Seong and my people behind. Humans and mages should live in harmony and utilize each other's strengths to compensate for our weaknesses!" She reasoned.

"We both know you're not human, angel. Stop calling yourself such a hideous name." He scoffed. "Is that not the reason why Seong is the best? Because he has a latent by his side to help him?"

She stayed quiet, watching him as he walked in a circle around her. Anyone would be intimidated under his intense stare, but she wouldn't. She knew him well enough to be sure he wouldn't hurt her.

"But what credit will you get if he wins? You'll just be pushed into the shadows." He continued on. "But if I win, I will be sure you receive the credit too. I'll have it so that people will praise and worship you for all eternity."

"I don't need credit." She clarified. "Besides peace, the only thing I need is to beat you."


more plot development wow

as i announced earlier, i will take a break from updating for a bit to pile up chapters since I have school starting next week so i don't get stressed and pressured with deadlines. 

i hope you all understand!

regular updates begin on sunday!

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