if walls could talk/ Ash

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it was  our 3 year anniversary I had booked a hotel room at the most expensive hotel in Hollywood.
I was the drummer in a well known band ,so naturally there where paparazzi followed us.
Finally we get to our room,I make sure to close the door behind me knowing how crafty some of these people where at snooping.

Tonight was the perfect night to propose.You sat on the bed to take your high heels off your worn out feet.
"Close your eyes a second." I say.
"Why?" You ask suspiciously.
"Just do it,please." I smile in excitement and nerves.

You close your eyes.I get down on one knee and reach into my pocket for the ring.
"You can open your eyes now." I say.
You slowly  open your eyes still weary  of the surprise to come.
"Y/N,Y/L/N, Will you marry me?"I ask.
You look at me speechless.
"Of course." You say.

The happiness we where feeling  was overwhelming.
We go downstairs for dinner.As we talk I can't help but get lost in your diamond like eyes.
After a beautiful meal we go back to our room and fall asleep.

The next day. I wake up  before you, I check my phone whilst waiting for you to wake up.
"Bastard!" I shout in a whisper.
You stir and start to wake.
"Whats wrong Ash." You ask.
"Some things are meant to be secret but I guess the news of our engagement has been heard." I say through gritted teeth, eyes glued to my phone.
"well it doesn't matter, people where bound to find out in the end." You say calmly.
"Yeah but I wanted to keep something secret for longer than twelve hours." I say.

We got married on our 4th year anniversary.You looked stunning.
A year after our wedding we had a son called Xavier.A week after Xavier's 5th birthday I had to go on tour to promote the bands 3rd album.

Months later,I've missed you and Xavier like hell but finally tour has finished and I'm on my way home.

A/N: Yo guys its been a long time since I've written an authors note.
Hope you like that cliffhanger its up to you to how it ends comment what you think.
Does Xavier recognise his father.
Have a great day and keep reading.
love y'all xxx

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