Ghost Of You/Luke

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It had been 2 years since I lost Bella , the love of my life . Her loss was very sudden, we had, had a pretty bad argument and she had run out the apartment and got in her car . As Bella was speeding across the highway her sight was getting blurry as  it slowly deteriorated until she was in complete darkness , she lost control of the car and got into a fatal crash. She was rushed straight to the hospital. As soon as I  heard the news I headed straight there.

The doctors and nurses did everything they could but I was told to say my goodbyes. Even though she couldn't see I hoped in her mind she had a good image of me .Luckily we had managed to make our peace.

A few weeks after the most painful experience of my life . I was told by the hospital that the cause of her blindness was a tumour on her brain had been growing for what looked like a few months , but she just never had any symptoms of  ill health.

I cried for weeks and weeks. My phone went crazy with messages of condolence.
Momma bear: I'm so sorry son, I'm here if you need a chat.

Calum: Hey man I'm here if you need anything.

Ashton: So sorry for your loss, Bella was such a beautiful  soul.

Mikey: Hey mate, it's so sad what happened , but she loved you, and she's in a better  place  without pain.

Today I took Calum's  offer of help to come and clear up the apartment. Calum, Ashton and Mikey appeared in my door way and we got to work.  We boxed up Bella's things ready to go to the rightful place with her family.

I find the handbag that the hospital had given back to me . I hadn't had the strength to ever have a look at the contents until now .  Inside lay her favourite Zeppelin t-shirt. I took it out of the bag and unexpectedly started crying as I hugged the t' shirt close to me, it still had the faint scent of her channel perfume on it. I decided this would be the only item of hers that I would keep along with a few of our photos to keep my memories of her strong. I felt like I had no right to keep any of her things. I had been the one to make her speed out of the apartment.

After packing everything up, the guys dragged me out of the apartment for a pint. Ashton made a toast.
"To Bella." He says.
"To Bella." we all repeat as we clink our beer  glasses togher. I couldn't  help but smile ,I know that  none of us would ever forget my beautiful Bella.
"That's the smiley Luke I've been missing for the past couple years." Mikey says.
I lightly chuckle.

The next day I load up my car with the boxes and head over to Bella's  mom's house.
I knock on the door.
"Hey Luke."
"Hello Mrs snow  , I know its been a long time but yesterday I had the strength to box up Bella's things and there in my car for you." I tell her
"Thank you so much , that means a lot."
"I just don't believe I deserve to keep any of it." I say

we go and get all the boxes and chat as we move them into the house.
"Well stay in touch Luke , we all still see you as family and don't blame yourself ." Mrs snow says before  I leave.

Every year from that day Bella's family joined my family every holiday and I felt like I still had the biggest part of her.

A/N: Damn that was a sad one hope you enjoyed .

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