The Bruise

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Here have some grian angst because why nOT (there isn't any ships just good friendship UwU)

 It was an afternoon and grian had just came from the shopping district to finish his base.When he arrived his head was filled with questions like, would they care if I died? Would they search for me if I went missing? Would they... help me? Grians mind was filled with questions that he didn't realize that a creeper was about to explode behind him. Grian fell to the floor and couldn't feel one of his hand, he thought it was nothing so he planned something for his friends to be finally happy. That's when Mumbo sat next to him. 


 I was in my base when I heard an explosion I went and checked my base but there wasn't any sight of an explosion that happened. Mumbo decide to visit Grian because they were going to do a video together when Mumbo saw Grian on the floor sitting Mumbo thought that he could scare Grian for once but he became worried when he saw the large bruise on Grians arm I went to sit next to him. 

POV Nobody

Grian:oh hey Mumbo,I didn't see you come over did you want something?Mumbo:Yeah we were gonna do a video together, remember?

Grian:oh yeah! We can startnow if you want

Mumbo:I wanted to ask you something

Grian:What do you want to ask me?

Mumbo:why is there a huge bruise on ur arm?

The gremlin was confused because he thought nothing was wrong so he asked back to Mumbo Grian:what do you mean?

Mumbo:i mean that there is a huge bruise on your arm, do you not feel anything?

Grian was confused but realised that there actually was a huge bruise but before they started the vid Grian also noticed that there was a Black dot he didnt think much of it. When they finished making the video Grian felt something right where the bruise was so he looked at the the bruise it was much larger now and was in a shape that Grian thought it looked FamıLi4r so he went to Scars base to get it checked since hes a light side AND a wizard.(in my AU there is a light side and A dark side some of the light side traits are nature(different animals trees grass stuff like that),Air,water cleos trait is water etc oh and also watchers a re a dark side)Grian didnt know his trait or if he is a light or a dark side so he was a neutral when he finally arrived at Scars snail he noticd that Scar replaced his door again so Gri- i mean Jungle Bandit stole Scars door again!


 i was looking through my chest monster thats growing in my base looking for some diamond to go to the shopping district when i heard something break and then an explosion i went out from the back door to see what happened when i saw i Grian i started panicking because i knew that bruise wasnt normal and it was covering his whole arm at this point and it was black so it meant it was from a Dark Side. But how would that be possible the whole entire server was a Light Side.

 POV Nobody  

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