The Bruise Part 8

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POV: Xisuma 

I was excited to go to the building that Joe and Grian were supposed to build. When I arrived at the place there was no building so I thought it was a prank on me or something so I waited and waited and waited but nothing happened I thought they would finish it or just clear the area or something but nothing was there so I left but I saw a blood stain and an arrow with more blood on it I thought that it was just a skeleton shooting a zombie, when I went back to my base I investigated the note that Mumbo gave me but I couldn't find anything not even fingerprints this person that left the note was very clever but then I got suspicious of the arrow since a got a feeling about it so I took a close look and saw that this was a poisonous  arrow and then I thought "Maybe a player shot this" but why would someone waste an arrow on a mob that's easy to kill, Or make a poisonous arrow to do something but why would they make it where the build was going to be guess I had my hopes to high. I'm so suspicious of Grian though Maybe he did something bad again maybe he killed- 

No no what am I thinking Grian can't kill someone he's not strong enough 

"We're not strong enough huh? Well you're in for a treat" a mysterious voice said X barely heard it  but he was sure that he heard it.


I went to Grians base to tell him to absorb the soul from the fight I guess you can call it with Joe he disagreed at first but then I said that he won't be powerful enough to beat everyone since they're always training and almost everyone has powered up to their forms like Cleo, Mumbo, Iskall, Tango even False I knew that he didn't know we were a dark side I say "we" because I basically haunt his soul since mine died a long time ago so we share the same soul

So he absorbed it. The reason I had made him do that was I knew that both of us wanted revenge deep inside and I knew a last that he didn't know but he didn't know that. He thought he knew everything but he knew NOTHING that's what happened when I was 5 I died then I realised everything I did was being watched, examined it was all a lie but I'm still helping him because he's my brother people think that bad people don't experience anything that they have they think that we want them dead b7t little do they know were being forced to do this and they, all they do is JUST WATCH never do anything they had a life before, now all they have is nothing their job is to watch and tell. I also made him absorb the soul because you become more stronger and that nobody should EVER make a dark side relive or be one again. We live forever and we die for a reason a good one as well 


I was right at the shopping district looking through shops to buy some leaves for my base again then the lights went off "did someone forget to pay the electricity bill again?" I joked thinking no one was there but I heard a laugh "I didn't scare ya did I?" Said False I told her that if she's selling any leaves or knows someone that does because I didn't want to cut leaves to get them, I know I was being lazy. She said no but we still had a good conversation, that was good.


I was talking with Iskall when the lights were off so we couldn't see anything but we still had torches on us so it was okay. But then out of no where we heard a voice scream a voice that we both didn't remember it was a males voice that was for sure, it was like a not for scream where you're just screaming for fun, it was a 'run for ur life' scream so we went the direction we heard the scream without thinking we just ran and raced to see who would find the person, we looked everywhere even in some hermits bases an pd found nothing. We were exhausted. Until we actually thought about it, maybe it was just a bird or an animal, bu tit couldn't be an animal can't make a human scream, can they? Questions ran across our minds until we just forgot about it. Tho it will still be in our heads forever and ever until we eventually die but the point is to be happy

800 words! Yay this took like what 3 hours? Yay

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