The Bruise Part 4

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They were wondering why Grian had ran away so quickly after he saw the paper they just thought that he had forgotten something important so they didn't do much except bring the note to Xisuma,when he saw it he said That this was some kind of note that was supposed to be sent to someone but failed to reach the person.After they went into their own bases Iskall became a little Bit suspicious of Grian it seemed like he Was supposed to get the note but didn't want it he had to ask Grian If this was true but it was like 00:38 so it was basically 1am since they had a long conversation with X, he was asking a lot of questions like 'where did you guys find this?''when did you guys find this?' It seemed like he was actually confused since he didn't know what it was written in.Iskall made a plan that tomorrow he would ask him if it was true.


It was now 02:47 and he came to his base at 11:16 Grian couldn't sleep because of his arm hurting so much that he didn't even look at it soon,when it was 04:58 The hurting in his arm and face finally stopped but he felt something calming him down make him get çöntrolLeb he suddenly woke up By the door knocking he was still tired from that 3 hour sleep but still got up when he looked at the glass he saw that half of his face was black and one of his arms as well 

(I tried my best to make it ;-;)

(I tried my best to make it ;-;)

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He started panicking because he didn't want That person at the door to see him like this or even worry about him so he got  mask that suddenly appeared on his table but he didn't question it since he was in a rush 

(This sucks ;-;)

(This sucks ;-;)

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Grian put it on and answered the door as quickly as possible 


I was waiting for Grian to open the door when he did I looked at him and asked what the mask was about Grian didn't answer so I just asked him about my theory and his voice became worried all of a sudden "n-no why would that note be sent to me? W-w-where did you even get that idea from?l"I could tell he was lying but I just let him be since I knew he was tired from his voice being so worried and cracky he also wore a glove on just one of his hands, I wonder why

464 words my most!hope you guys liked this

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