Chapter 5: Blake's Stubbornness

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In combat class, Pyrrha took on all of Team CRDL one on four. Not to everyone's surprise, she won. Cardin said she had a "Lucky break". Glynda said they had time for one more match, so Mercury volunteered. A few days earlier, Cinder, Emerald and Mercury had sneaked into Beacon as students from Haven for the Vytal Festival. Ruby ran into them before the investigation began and she thought she "befriended" the three fake students. Mercury was able to pick his opponent and he picked Bendy. Bendy got ready, and the match began. Mercury started with a charge and he kicked him in the stomach, cutting Bendy's Aura by 20%. Mercury then charged at Bendy with another kick, but Bendy dodged and struck Mercury with his sword. Mercury was thrown to the wall, and it put his Aura just above the yellow area. Mercury then jumped up and used a bullet storm with his gun boots. Bendy then used his Chaos Emerald to slow down time to dodge the bullets. Mercury thought he had killed Bendy since he wasn't there. Bendy then tapped Mercury's shoulder, and Mercury looked in surprise. "What?" he said, "How did you..?" "It's called Chaos Control," replied Bendy, "and this is the Speeding Tornado." Bendy then ran around Mercury in a circle creating a tornado and it threw Mercury into the wall deflating his Aura into the red. "And the match goes to Mr. Eaton," said Professor Goodwitch, "Well done young man, with your speed, your opponents are sure to be on their toes." Bendy then walked up to Mercury and held out a hand to help him up. Mercury took the hand and said, "You got good fighting skills bud. Don't think things will go the same way in the tournament." "We'll see about that," said Bendy. Class was then dismissed, and they all headed back to the dorms, except the Toons. Ozpin asked them to come up to his office. He wanted to tell them something secret. "Hey Blake," said Sun as he walked past Team RWBY, "I heard that there is a dance, and I thought it was lame, but I thought maybe we could go together." "I don't have time for a dance," said Blake. She had recently been distancing herself from her team trying to find information on Torchwick. Blake was up so late at times, she started to have bags under her eyes. "I thought you of all people would know."

In Ozpin's office, The Toons were greeted by Ozpin, Professor Goodwitch and a man in a white army uniform. He eyed the Toons very suspiciously. "James," said Ozpin, "I would like you to meet Bendy the Little Devil Darling, Boris the Wolf, Alice Angel, and Alex Careman. Team BBAA. The rest are Silhouette the Demon, Esther, Kathy Careman, Steven Canton, and Gamma. They all make up a big team known as The Dream Team. Dream Team, this is General James Ironwood, headmaster of the Atlas Academy and Military." The Dream Team all nodded and Bendy shook Ironwood's hand. "Hello Mr. Ironwood, I'm Bendy, leader of the Dream Team. I take it you are the one who brought all these ships?" All throughout the morning, airships came almost nonstop. "Yes," said Ironwood, "I am concerned about a big force we are facing." "What force?" asked Boris. "Dream Team, tell me," said Ozpin, "Do you believe in fairytales?" Ozpin then told the team about the maidens, the Grimm Queen Salem, and the relics that each academy hid within it's walls. "That sounds like a problem," said Alex. "I know," said Bendy. "Also, we have a version of the story back on Earth, except there are a few differences." Bendy then told Ozpin, Glynda, and Ironwood about their version. "Why do you think that there is a fifth maiden?" asked Ironwood. "Because," said Alice, her eyes lighting up, "I am the lost maiden." Glynda, Ironwood, and even Ozpin looked at Alice in surprise. "Well," said Ozpin, "this is unexpected. I had never thought that there was a fifth maiden." "But you are the one who gave them their power," Ironwood said before realizing what he blurted out. "What?" asked Silhouette, "Oz, is there more you need to tell us? Are you the father of the maidens?" Ozpin sighed and then told the team about his ability of reincarnation, and how humans were once able to perform magic. "Dad?" asked Alice. She then ran up to Ozpin and hugged him with tears in her eyes. "Okay, we have one more question," said Bendy, "who was the mother?" Ozpin then looked at the team while he let a single tear fall down his face before saying, "She was killed by Salem." "Oh," said Bendy, "I didn't know that was such a touchy subject for you." "Can we tell Teams RWBY and JNPR?" asked Alex, "They are part of the Dream Team too." "No," said Ironwood sternly, "you can't tell anyone about this. I do have a request though; May I see one of your 'Chaos Emeralds'?" Ozpin had explained to Ironwood about the Dream Team and the Chaos Emeralds earlier before they came to his office. Bendy and Silhouette then looked at each other, and they both pulled out the Blue and Green Chaos Emerald. The general looked at the gems in aw. "So how many do you have so far?" he asked. "We have 4 out of 7 so far," replied Silhouette, "We need to find them before Bart and Torchwick do." "Before you go, there is something that I need to show you," said Ozpin. "You're going to show them?" asked Ironwood. "They know about the maidens," said Ozpin, "they might as well know where the current Fall Maiden is." Ozpin then led everyone to the elevator and took everyone down to a secret level. Down the secret level, and at the end of a hallway, there was a strange chamber with a young woman who had a scar on her face that looked like it was painful. "This is Amber," said Ozpin, "the current fall maiden." "That doesn't look like it was fun," said Alex. "No it wasn't, but if I remember correctly," said Ironwood, "the Chaos Emeralds could revive her. I believe that they were once used to help Bendy be revived, correct?" "Yes, but if we were to revive Amber," said Bendy, "we would need all seven. We still have three unaccounted for." "I see," said Ozpin, "Well I hope that you find the rest before Roman or Bart do." "We will try," said Esther. "We will continue searching for the emeralds," said Gamma. "Very well," said Ozpin, "good luck to you Dream Team." The Dream Team then left to spend the day resting and looking for the Chaos Emeralds.

"You want me to do what?" asked Blake. In the dorm of Team RWBY, the girls were trying to convince Blake to take a break from gathering information on Torchwick. "We want you to come to the dance tonight," said Ruby. "This investigation has really gone to your head," said Weiss, "you hardly eat, you've barely slept, and your grades have been suffering badly." "You think I care about grades?" complained Blake, "People's lives are at stake!" "She's a stubborn one all right." Team RWBY turned to see Bendy, Boris and Alice standing in their doorway. "How long have you been standing there?" asked Yang. "Long enough," said Bendy, as Boris closed the door, "but that's besides the point. Blake, you're letting this problem control you. We want you to just slow down, not stop. Please, just take tonight off and have fun with us. The whole Dream Team is gonna be there." Blake then said, "I think this is a complete waste of time. I'm gonna go to the library." Blake walked out and headed off. "You were right," said Boris, "she is a stubborn one." Just then, they all heard a knock at the door. Weiss then opened the door to reveal a guitar wielding Jaune who sang, "Weiss!" Weiss then slammed the door. "Weiss! Please open up!" cried Jaune from behind the door, "I promise not to sing." Weiss thought for a few seconds, then opened the door. "I lied," he continued as he played his guitar, "Will you, Weiss, accompany me to the dance on Sunday?" Weiss then slammed the door and said, "No." She then looked at her teammates and asked, "What?" "And that is why they call you the Ice Queen," said Bendy. "But what about Blake?" asked Alice. "Don't worry," said Yang, "I have a plan."

In another dorm, Cinder, Emerald and Mercury were discussing their targets. "Pyrrha Nikos," said Emerald, "the invincible girl." "I won't say she's invincible," said Mercury. "Oh please, do tell," said Cinder. "Her semblance is polarity. But you wouldn't tell that unless you looked carefully." "So people think she is invincible, but she really is just taking fate into her own hands?" asked Cinder, smiling deviously, "Add her to the list." Emerald then added Pyrrha to a strange list. "And finally," said Emerald, "Bendy Eaton, or as he calls himself, the Little Devil Darling." "What's so special about him?" asked Cinder. "Well, just look," replied Mercury. He then showed the footage of Bendy dodging his kicks and then dodging the bullet storm and reappearing behind Mercury followed by his little tornado. Cinder was amazed. "How can anything move that fast?" she asked. "He pulled out a strange gem and said 'Chaos Control' and he just appeared behind me," said Mercury. "So," said Cinder, "Bendy is also after the Chaos Emeralds too? Add him to the list." Emerald then added Bendy to the list as well. "It should be easy for you to overpower them," said Mercury. "It's not about overpowering them," said Cinder, "It's about taking what power they have." "Ugh," whined Mercury, "I hate waiting." "Don't worry," said Cinder, "we won't have to wait for long."

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