Chapter 7

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After Jacob had gone off with his friend Connah and his family we had cleaned together as a unit.   Derek said he wanted a shower and to complete a few emails and Gerry was going for a nap.   We arranged to come back down to the tv room in the basement for around 4pm and  to have take out for dinner.

They knew I wanted to talk and we had no idea how it was going to go.   I decided to run a bubble bath.  As the bath was running I took out my phone. 

Pria:  an afternoon entertaining a football team has left me yearning a bubble bath.   I hope yours was a little more relaxing ;) xx

I couldn't help but want to text Brandon it's as if a few hours of no contact had me craving to speak to him.  This was silly I was acting obsessive I shook my head and made my way to the bathroom.   I put on a little music on my phone and lowered myself into the bubbles.

It felt like heaven.   I needed to relax I wanted to share my past with the two of the most important people to me.   I needed to share my secrets, it felt like they were weighing me down. 

When I was rescued at 10 I had never spoke about my experiences.  My Father had shot himself at the siege so there was no one to prosecute.   I had spent 3 years within a foster facility they had helped accumulate me to people, test my education and initiate lessons and offer counselling.  After trying for 6 months they realised counselling was not an option as I refused to talk.

I had flown through my classes and managed to complete my high school education.  Studying kept me from thinking about my past and have me focus. 

Derek and Gerry had never asked questions about my past or pushed me to try counselling they were just there.  Every day we spent time as a trio doing something.   Playing cards, painting, meditating, watching tv, swimming anything.   My fondness of fitness started with swimming and something Gerry and I bonded over.  

I started to write diaries about my past and as I completed each book Derek and I would burn it.   Neither of them read what was in them and always said when I was ready we would face it together.  Today was that day.

I climbed out of the bath, checked my phone with no reply from Brandon.  I dressed in my pyjamas and went downstairs. 

It was 3.45pm and Gerry was filling the coffee pot.  As I entered he looked towards me.  "Hey princess do you fancy some iced latte for downstairs.  We also didn't eat the fruit salad at lunch if you fancy a bowl". 

"The latte would be nice but I'm not hungry thanks" I gave him a side hug and made my way down to the basement. 

This room and outside was where we spent most of our time.  It was all finished in white with a mural on the far wall of a beach scene.   The ceiling was covered with silver stars of all sizes that Gerry had hand painted.   The corner sofa down here was blue suede and filled with cushions of varying blue.   A large screen filled the opposite wall to the mural and along one side was a white sideboard filled with family memorabilia.

I went to the ottoman and pulled out one of the blankets.   Finding my spot to one side of the sofa I plugged my phone into the charging wire that was in a compartment at the end of the armrest. 

I pulled out a small section of sofa to my other side to a cup holder and space to allow somewhere for snacks. 

Gerry entered followed by Derek and Gerry placed my latte in the holder to my side.   They sat on the other section of the sofa.

"Now I want to reassure you before you start that you are in control of this family meeting.  You tell us as much as you want.  Why don't you start with what's made you want this talk" I knew Derek would take control. 

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