Chapter 36

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Following Axel I suddenly felt am electric charge ripple through my left boob.   Christ that hurt.   At that instant Axel suddenly swerved over to the side of the road.

Realisation hit.  Someone had redlined.   I pulled up alongside him as he furiously threw off his helmet and handed it to me.  He pulled out his phone as I rested his helmet on my bike before taking off my own.

"Corey needs us back ASAP.  I've let him know we are on our way" I nodded to him passing back his helmet before putting mine back on and we resumed getting home.  Although now it was more urgently.

As we pulled back into the underground garage I felt my panic trying to escape. As I switched off the bike I took a couple of deep breaths. Taking off my helmet I placed it into a cupboard Axel was stood by. I hadn't noticed it earlier but it held a few different helmets.

"Keep yours in here with ours, it's liked with a keypad I'll text you the code" Axel explained as he closed the cupboard lacing his fingers with mine and approaching the elevator.

I don't remember the elevator ride at all when suddenly I'm once again in the meeting room.  Raven is sat at the table talking to Corey who has his desk chair turned towards us. 

As we enter Axel releases my hand "I need the bathroom can we organise some drinks before I get back please" he asked moving through the room.

"Brandon is getting some drinks now.  Come little  лисаand give me some lovin" I looked to Raven who looked like he wanted to eat me.   All I could feel was the piece of paper in my bra. 

"I need the toilet also" I said quickly and saw Raven frown.  Maybe he heard the detachment in my voice also.  He stood moving towards me and I stiffened.

He reached out beside me and pushed the wooden panelling.  I heard a click and turned to see a door had opened.  I moved closer and noticed a small bathroom.  "Thanks" I said hurriedly moving into the space and closing the door.

As I washed my hands I looked at my reflection in the mirror.  I felt the shame cover me like a black cloud.   I have been placed in compromising positions before on a mission and it had never left such a sour taste in my mouth.   Although I had never been on a mission whilst trying to understand my feelings for someone or had been in a compromising position with someone to then find out that they like me. 

I felt violated in some ways and also incredibly guilty.   The tears made no excuse before assaulting my cheeks.  They roared to life as if my efforts holding them back for so long only increased their ferocity. 

My body started shaking ever so slightly as if trying to remind myself I was stood in a bathroom when I should be in a meeting about an updated on my Dad's.   I slapped my cheek quickly.  The sharp sting instantly stopped my tears.   I washed my face in cold water then gently tapped the wet skin with a soft towel.  

I took a couple of long breaths and slid my fingers into my bra to clutch the hidden piece of paper.   I transferred it to my back pocket as knock sounded.

"Pria you ok love you've been a while" Axel asked with obvious concern. 

"Yeah coming" I shouted as I moved and opened the door.  Axel stood looking at me as his expression morphed from concern to slight surprise.  

I patted his arm and moved us into the meeting room and towards the table.   Corey had taken a seat next to Raven and Brandon was sat on the opposite side of the table. 

I noticed some soda cans and bottle of water were on the table.  I moved to sit next to Brandon and noticed Raven had folded his arms and was showing his annoyance over something.

As I sat next to Brandon he reached over and took my hand.  Axel sat next to my other side.  "Report Corey"

I couldn't help interrupting.  "Is Marc coming? Is he ok?" I asked quickly. 

"Marc is fine DB he has checked in but they are trying to gather intel from Jizz" Brandon explained.  I sent him a smile but avoided any prolonged eye contact. 

"Right well Victor and I started with Stuart's laptop and the college cameras.  What we have gathered is that he was following Pria almost spying but hadn't pushed it as far as it would be considered stalking.  However it looks like he was being followed also.  Someone had hacked his laptop and copied all his information.   On the college cameras we found one of his tails and we followed him one night following Stuart home.   He isn't Academy and he rides a motorbike.  He appeared three days before Stuart disappeared" Corey explained.   He turned the laptop towards her. 

"Do any of you recognise his face?" Corey asked.

I pulled the laptop closer and looked at the man.  He was young early 20's long straight blonde hair pulled into a ponytail.   He was a muscular build and had the brightest blue eyes.   You would even consider him handsome but Pria had no idea who he was. 

She heard a gasp and looked to Axel.  "He is John Barrows son I didn't think he was pledged to any MC" he said.

"John Barrows?" I asked. 

"Sorry.  He is a retired marine lost his wife in terrorist attack when he was away on a mission.  His son was 14 at the time.  I think his Aunt took over his welfare whilst John fought to retire" he explained.

"Fought to retire? Sorry I seem to be repeating you" I said.  Axel squeezed her hand.

"It's ok love.  He was a talented and decorated marine.  The government didn't want him to retire.   It took him nearly 3 years to finally be able to be with his son.  Unfortunately his son Ged was already feeling neglected and angry.   He got into some bother and the Academy helped John on the understanding he would join as a member.  John agreed hoping if Ged calmed down the Academy would offer him an opportunity also.  They didn't.  I tried taking Ged on a camping programme to help bonding.   He was selfish, arrogant and ended storming off and hitch hiking home.  The academy offered him counselling he refused.  Shame really if he sorted his anger he had such potential but he refuses to and allows his anger to control him" Axel explained shaking his head slightly. 

"So he is involved with someone but we aren't sure who" I asked.

"No but knowing his identity I can search through his online details and find an address.  I may be able to find through cameras or such of his movements.   Also we may need to visit his home and either find him or further clues" Corey explained.

I leaned back letting out a long breath. 

"That's not all" Corey turned back the laptop to him.  "We also did face recognition on the cameras at the penitentiary.  We found this" Corey turned the laptop around again.  On the screen was a picture of Jay.  I felt uncontrollably hot as the sickness surged through me.  What the hell had Jay been doing at the penitentiary.

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