Chapter 66

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Walking out of the plane Russia was dark and dreary like my mood.   I kept quite and did as I was told.   We travelled for a long time.   I seems to slip in and out of sleep. 

I woke as we were pulling up to what I could only describe as a castle.   "If you listen to anything listen to this" Derek turned in the seat next to me. 

"Don't wander around here trying to escape.   I have orders to kill you if you do.   If I find you it will be a clean shot.   If you run into many people in this place your fate will be far worse.   Torture is their playground" he said as he turned back in his seat looking forward. 

I felt the bile rise and my confidence waver.   I was strong, fear will not control me.  Hope may be dimming but it wasn't lost.   Not yet. 

The car pulled up to a marble staircase leading the gigantic double metal doors.   They opened as a man appeared in a black suit.  He walked to the car and opened the door.   As I exited Derek was already waiting. 

We walked into the entrance and I felt my vision blur slightly.   Pull yourself together Pria.  I told myself.  Derek went straight to the staircase. 

"Has Pierre given us a new toy?" a sweet sickly voice said.   Derek had stopped and turned us towards a man.   He looked about 30 with long blonde hair and deep blue eyes.  He looked void of anything.   No emotion no warmth to his skin.   If I believed in vampires he would be exactly what one would look like. 

My fear echoed in my mind and I shovelled it in the corner.   "Do you think if I was a toy they would treat me in this manner" I said holding the ice in my tone and this monsters glare.

"Too true beautiful" he said moving his glare to Derek.   "Ask Pierre for an audience" he said as he turned and walked back into another room. 

I let out my breath slowly.  Derek started walking towards the staircase.  "That is Igor Borovich, he is well know within the criminal fraternity as Death.  He can be employed as a contract killer for a substantial fee" he stopped and leaned towards me.  "He kills for pleasure but his hobby is finding new and outlandish ways to torture prior to his kill.   He is one you need to avoid at all costs" he said. 

We started up the stairs.  "Why are you warning me?" I asked.

"Pierre wants you alive and if you understand why I ask you not to run and you behave it makes my job easier" he said turned us towards a corridor.  

At the end of the corridor was a door with a keypad.   He put in a code and the door opened to a staircase.    He pushed me inside and I climbed.   As we got to the top there was a door and I opened it to a small suite.  

As I stepped inside I took in the layout.   To the left was a small kitchen a lounge area and fire ahead and to the right a couple of doors.  I looked to my left as Derek had moved towards the kitchen.  He was checking the cupboards and fridge.  There appeared no windows in the room I was stood in.

I jumped as Derek spoke.  "Door left is a small gym, door right is a bedroom with en suite.   No windows are in this top tower.   You have provisions the room will be locked.   Your books are in a box in your bedroom.   I will return periodically to check if you need anything or if Pierre requests your company" he turned on his heel locked the door and I was on my own again. 

I went straight to the kitchen.   There were plastic utensils and paper plates.   There were cooking utensils but as I was checking one I knew I could do damage with I noticed a camera with a blinking red light in the corner.

"Bastards" I swept around the apartment finding cameras everywhere except the bathroom.   I also checked every inch I could think of in the bathroom and found no other kinds of recording equipment. 

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