Chapter 38

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As I started to wake I felt how heavy my eyelids were. I could feel that my shivering had stopped and I was a lot warmer. Pushing through the weight of my lids I opened to see I was on the bed.

I moved to look around the room and noticed a man with his back to me. He had a good build with a full head of curly blonde hair. I frowned at the thought of a strange man in my room.

He suddenly turned around and the handsome man smiled. "Well it's good to see your awake so soon" his green eyes twinkled as he approached holding his palms upwards. "I'm Dr Sean Green, Axel rang me when you collapsed. Would you feel more comfortable with one of your men in the room" I didn't want to disagree with him saying they were my men but I wasn't comfortable with a stranger in the room. Not yet anyway.

He walked to the door which I noticed was ajar. As he put his head out of the room I shuffled into a seated position clutching the blanket around me.

Brandon stepped in smiling towards me. "Hey beautiful it's good to see you awake" he walked straight to me sitting on the side of the bed.

"I need to check your vitals honey is that ok?" Dr Green smiled, he was a lovely looking man.   In a kind and safe way.   Luckily I wasn't attracted to him but he made me feel comfortable. 

"Yes that's fine" I turned to Brandon.  "What happened?" I whispered.

I heard Dr Green chuckle and felt my cheeks warm.  "I think you had something like a panic attack but your body started to shut down.   It's as if your brain wanted to protect you from the stress your under" Brandon explained. 

"Yes but you being under cold water for a long time started the shivering.   Luckily I don't think it's any worse as you warmed up pretty quickly.  I just need to check your temperature, blood pressure and heart rate.   I will also take some blood to run a few standard test to be sure.  Ok?" Dr Green explained.

"Yes that's fine. How long was I asleep?" I asked.

"Only a couple of hours. The guys are in the meeting room with Phil. They are monitoring the raid" Brandon said.

I tried to shoot up out of bed but Brandon stopped me by pushing my shoulders back. "Hang on Senna. Doctor check up, food and drink and then you can go see what's happening. I won't let you risk your health anymore" Brandon's tone was serious and as I looked at him I knew there was no point arguing.

"Come on honey no point fighting a man who cares for you when you've given him a scare" Dr Green said, he looked amused. Too amused.

Brandon sat with me as Dr Green did his check up and took a couple of vials for blood tests. All was fine. Dr Green sat with me a few minutes as Brandon went for some food.

He was from the Blackbourne team and told me a few tails on North and his brother Luke. I'd explained I had met North and heard of Victor but was astonished to hear there was 9 of them. He briefly told me about Sang and I remembered North's declaration about 'Sang baby' and wondered if it was the same person. I was about to ask when Brandon returned.

"Here Senna we have some eggs, bacon and pancakes. I've also included some fruit juice and a large coffee" he smiled as he placed the tray on my knee.

"Well all is fine Pria. Plenty of fluids for the next 24 hours and eat regularly. I know you have a lot on but don't neglect yourself or you may have another episode. Any change or concerns let me know" Dr Green left with a wink and a smile.

Brandon turned to me as he left. "You scared us Pria don't ever hide if something is wrong" he placed his hand on my leg. I gulped down the bite of pancake and looked at his tears eyes.

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