Crash Landing

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Before I start the chapter I'd like to shout out to Daniel Sidney for letting me use the sprites for the series. Anyway, without further ado, enjoy this chapter!!!

In Shuigang Palace
A big ship flies to the palace as it breaks through the defense and the guards. The enemies come out of the ship as it takes down the guards.

 The enemies come out of the ship as it takes down the guards

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A green monster breaks through as he takes out his knife.

A green monster breaks through as he takes out his knife

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???: My turn.
The monster run towards the guards as he takes their heads off.

In the throne:
The monster comes In the throne with his minions.
Shuigang: How did this happen?! Our walls are impenetrable!
???: Your floor isn't.
Shuigang: Well then... If death is what you seek, then I will gladly provide it! Hragh!
Shuigang jumps with his axe and takes out one of the minions, but was too many of them as the minions damaged him.
???: There is no reason to be hostile, your majesty. In fact, you should be proud. Your son is moments away from inheriting the throne.
Shuigang sees his son captured by the minions.
Shuigang: Dail!
Dail. I tried, father!
Shuigang: What do you want from us?!
???: How shall I explain this... I'm gifting your son with my knowledge. It will make him the most powerful ruler your world has ever known... and he will answer to no one but me.
The monster takes out his knife as he takes off his head.

Dail: N-No! Murderer! Dail run towards the monster, but gets grabbed

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Dail: N-No! Murderer!
Dail run towards the monster, but gets grabbed.
???: Prepare the snatcher.
The snatcher flies in as it absorb its energy into his.
Dail: Guahh!

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