Taking the fight alone

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With Sonic and the others:
The others got to a shelter as they got out from the rain. They put Sonic down as he was unconscious.

 They put Sonic down as he was unconscious

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Lilac: Sonic...
Carol: Maybe we're not cut out for this... We should go home.
Knuckles: Huh?
Lilac: So that's it? We just leave and let Torque die?
Carol: What are we supposed to do? I like Torque, but... This is so much bigger than us. We're just kids.
Lilac: That doesn't mean anything.
Tails: Lilac...
Carol: Doesn't mean anything?! Look at what they did to me! To Sonic! To us! Sometimes I feel like you're trying to get us killed!
Knuckles: Carol...
Lilac: How could you say that? I put myself out there on the front lines so you don't have to!
Carol: Yeah, and I always have to bail you out!
Lilac: What's the problem with that? We're helping each other do the right thing!
Carol: But I don't want to do the right thing! I just wanna spend time with my best friend!
Tails, Knuckles: Guys!
They both stopped arguing as Milla was down.
Carol: If the only way I can do that is by risking my life... maybe we shouldn't be friends anymore.
Tails: Wha?!
Knuckles: ...
Lilac: Carol...
Carol: Don't... Just don't. I'm done.
Carol runs away.
Knuckles: Carol!
Tails: Milla, are you okay?
Milla: Yeah, I'm alright.
Lilac: Carol...
Knuckles: I'm going after her! Take care of Sonic!
Tails: Okay.
Knuckles runs off.
Lilac: It's okay, Milla. I'm going after him. Alone.
Tails: What?!
Milla: Let us come with you!
Lilac: No. Carol's right. Friends shouldn't let each other get hurt. It's my fault... It's my fault that Sonic's hurt.
Tails: It's not your fault. You were worried as well.
Lilac: Yeah, but because of that, Sonic's hurt. I'm going there alone. You two should stay behind with the others.
Lilac goes to where Brevon's base is, as Tails and Lilac tries to follow her.
Lilac: Milla, Tails, stay here.
Tails: No.
Milla: We won't leave you.
Lilac: Stay!
Lilac spins like a ball as she runs off.
Tails, Milla: Lilac!
Sonic then wakes up slowly as he sees Tails and Milla.
Sonic: Huh? What happened?
Tails, Milla: Sonic!
Tails and Milla runs over to Sonic.
Tails: Good thing you're okay!
Milla: We were so worried!
Sonic: Hehe, thanks. Anyway, where's everyone else?
Tails and Milla didn't say anything.
Sonic: Did something happened?
Tails: You see...
Milla: Lilac and Carol had a little argument.
Sonic: An argument?
Tails: Yeah. Carol was saying how we are just kids and we're not capable of doing this, but Lilac tried to get Carol to help.
Milla: But because of that, Carol ran away and Knuckles ran after her.
Sonic: I see... Then where's Lilac?
Milla: She's...
Tails: She's going to Brevon's base... Alone...
As Tails said that, Sonic's expression changes as he hears about Lilac going to Brevon's base alone.
Sonic: What?!
Tails: She says how it's her fault that you were hurt and shouldn't let friends get hurt.
Milla: We tried to stop her, but we couldn't. I'm sorry.
Sonic pats on Milla's head.
Sonic: It's fine.
Milla: Huh?
Sonic: I'm going to get her back!
Milla: What?!
Tails: But you're not fully healed! You're still hurt!
Sonic: Yeah, but I won't let her go alone! She's probably in trouble! I have to save her!
Milla: But what if you two don't make it out?
Sonic: We will! If not, you guys come in! I'll find her and save Torque!
Sonic runs off.
Tails: Sonic! (It's always him. Always saving the day...)
Sonic runs as he goes to where the base is.
Sonic: (Lilac, I'll save you and Torque. I promise I'll protect you.)

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