Kingdom Stone Pursuit pt 1

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In Lilac's treehouse:
Sonic and Lilac were outside talking with Torque.
Lilac: You sure you don't wanna hang out with us?
Torque: Thsnks, but I have a lot of work to do. I'm gonna try and fix my gadgets.
Sonic: You're just like Tails. Always fixing his gadgets.
Torque: Oh, also, I'm gonna try to fix up a portal for you three to leave at.
Sonic: Really?
Torque: Yeah, as of thanks.
Sonic: Hehe, no problem.
Lilac: Fair enough. Just shout if you need anything.
Torque: Alright. What are you gonna be up to?
Lilac: Oh, we should have plenty of things to do. Especially with the new girl around.

In the treehouse:

Everyone was bored

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Everyone was bored.
Carol: I'm booored...
Knuckles: You're not the only one.
Milla was cuddling with Tails as he was blushing.
Tails: (This is embarrassing!)
Sonic: What should we do then?
Lilac: How about a movie?
Sonic: I'm down.
Milla: Sure!
Tails: Yeah.
Carol: Mj, why not.
Knuckles: Fine.

Few minutes later:
They all were watching a movie as Carol was eating popcorn with Knuckles, Milla was close to the TV while Tails was interested, and Lilac was watching from the couch while Sonic was laying down.

In bed:
Everyone was sleeping as Carol wakes up Lilac, Sonic, and Knuckles.
Carol: Knuckles! Lilac! Sonic!
Knuckles: Ugh...
Sonic: Hmm? What's going on?
Lilac: Huh...
Carol: Torque's a, I mean I went down there and he said I mean his-
Lilac: Calm down. What is it?
Carol: Torque turned into a alien or something!
Knuckles: Huh?
Sonic: An alien?
Lilac: What?
Carol: Just come with me! Come on!
Lilac: Nrrhh... you probably had a bad dream.
Sonic: I say we see if she is dreaming or not.
Knuckles: I guess.
Carol: Yeah! Get up! Come on!
Lilac: Alright! Let me get my shoes on!
The others were waiting for Lilac as she runs into Torque's tent.

Carol: Yeah! Get up! Come on!Lilac: Alright! Let me get my shoes on!The others were waiting for Lilac as she runs into Torque's tent

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Lilac: Torque?!
Sonic: Huh?
Knuckles: What the?
Torque: Whoa!
Torque falls down on the floor.
Torque: It's not what it looks like!
Carol: What are you?! Give us answers buddy!
Knuckles: Yeah, before we squash ya!
Sonic: Whoa! Settle down, Knuckles.
Torque: Okay okay, I'll tell you! But you have to promise to keep it to yourselves.
Sonic: Alright then.
Knuckles: Fine.
Lilac: We promise... Right, Carol?
Carol: Right. Pinky swear.
Torque: I'm from another world. Actually, I'm part of an alliance between many different worlds. We're called Chasers.
Sonic: Chasers?
Lilac: So, you're a alien then?
Torque: Pretty much, yeah.
Carol: So why do a bunch of aliens care about our planet?
Torque: The man that wants your Kingdom Stone isn't from around here either. He calls himself Lord Brevon.
Knuckles: Huh?
Lilac: Lord?
Torque: Well, he didn't get that name selling cookies. He's dangerous with a capital D. Brevon is the most powerful enemy we've ever faced. Hundreds of worlds destroyed, thousands of heroes killed or corrupted, enormous amounts of weapon energy stolen.. and that's just the tip of the iceberg. According to our scans, the Kingdom Stone has enough energy to double the size of his army. If he gets it... he'll be unstoppable. I'll try and convince your leaders of his existence, but if I can't get them to help me... If Brevon gets his hands on the Kingdom Stone... then I'll have no choice. I'll have to destroy it.
Sonic, Knuckles: Huh?!
Carol: Destroy it?!
Lilac: You can't be serious!
Torque: I'll only destroy it if I have no other choice. I swore to my captain on his dying breath that I would not let Brevon get that stone!
Lilac: I'm sorry about your captain, but... you can't destroy it! In fact, you won't even have to think about it, because I'm going to help you get it back!
Sonic: Same here!
Lilac: Sonic!
Sonic: I don't care how dangerous it is! It's gonna take a lot more than robots and aliens to slow a hedgehog down.
Lilac: Me too!
Sonic: Besides, nothing is unstoppable. There's always a way!
Knuckles: Yeah, we faced way more threats than this!
Carol: If they're gonna go for it, then I am too! If we can beat up a giant praying mantis thing together, then who knows what else we can do?
Tails and Milla comes in.
Tails: I'm gonna help!
Milla: Umm... I wanna come too!
Sonic: Yeah sure!
Lilac: I guess we could let you two save Carol's life a few more times.
Knuckles: Wait... does that include me too...?
Carol: Hey...
Milla: Yay!
Tails: It's just like the old times!
Sonic: Yeah!
Torque: So the six of you are really gonna help me stop him?
Carol: Say no more! Team Lilac has got your back! We'll talk about the name later, kay?
Torque: I'd be lying if I said I was comfortable with this, but... I honestly could use your help. You know this world than I do.
Sonic: Well, those three.
Carol: Sooo it's official, right?
Torque: More or less. Welcome aboard.
Everyone: Alright!

In Shuigang Palace:
Syntax: Good evening, sir. It may interest you to know that the location of the artifact has shifted.
Brevon: Where?
Syntax: It's moving toward a densely populated region to the east.
Brevon: This could work to our advantage... Get me the king's son.
Syntax brings the king's son.
Brevon: Where do your lie, prince?
Prince Dail: It is my duty to protect my father s kingdom.
Brevon: You would sacrifice your very life for the good of this kingdom, wouldn't you?
Prince Dail: Yes.
Brevon: And you crush all those who threaten its safety.
Prince Dail: We must protect it at all costs.
Brevon: Exactly. The one you call Zao has taken something very precious... Something that could put your kingdom at risk. You're not going to let him keep it, are you?

In the throne:
Prince Dail: Revenge is upon us, my fellow kin. We have confirmed who is responsible for the death of our king. Zao of Shang Mu!
The guards were screaming.
Prince Dail: His plans to steal our Kingdom Stone must be stopped! Deploy our Sky Battalion!

The next day in Lilac's treehouse:
A phone was ringing as Lilac answers it.
Lilac: Hello?
Gong: Hello. Uh... This is General Gong.

Few minutes later:
Lilac come back as she was excited.
Lilac: Hey! Up and at em! We've got adventuring to do!
Sonic: Adventure? Count me in!
Sonic gets up fast.
Knuckles gets up second.
Carol: Five more minutes...
Knuckles: Come on, Carol, get up.
Tails gets up third.
Tails: Hey guys.
Knuckles: Milla, do it.
Milla barks loudly as it wakes up Carol.
Carol: Wah!
Sonic: Haha!
Milla: Good morning, Carol!
Lilac: Hehe!
Tails: Milla...?
Milla starts to cuddle Tails.
Tails: (Jeez...)
They got outside as they go to see Torque.
Torque: I was wondering when you'd be awake.
Lilac: You can blame Carol for that. She sleeps for like half a day.
Carol: Totally worth it!
Lilac: Well anyway, I got a call from that big panda guy I told you about. He's gonna help us.
Torque: When is he coming?
Lilac: Actually we have to go meet him. He'll be waiting for us north of here.
Torque: Perfect. I fixed my radar last night, so we can use it to find the meeting point.
Sonic: You're just like Tails. Always inventing stuff.
Knuckles: Yeah, tell me about it.
Tails: Hehe.
Lilac: Great! Ready guys!
Sonic: You betcha!
Tails: Yeah!
Knuckles: I'm all ready!
Carol: Aye aye, captain!
Milla: To adventure!
Sonic: That's the spirt!

To the north:

Torque: According to the radar, we seem to be as the right location

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Torque: According to the radar, we seem to be as the right location...
Carol: Umm... I think it's a little off.
Milla: This way!
Milla smells someone as she flies up.
Sonic: Whoa, she's like Tails!
Tails: Yeah, I forgot to tell you that.
The others got up to the top.
Torque: She's got a good nose.
Lilac: I'll say.
Sonic: Yeah.
They then meet General Gong.
Gong: Allow me to properly introduce myself. I am General Gong of Shang Tu.
Lilac: It's an honor, general.
Gong: Thr Royal Magister has a proposal. We'd like you to help us get the stone back. It's in the greedy little hands of Mayor Zao, in our neighbor city Shang Mu.
Carol: Why do you need our help? Don't you have soldiers and spies and stuff?
Gong: We wanna try and resolve this thing peacefully if we can, so we're sending s neutral party to negotiate. Given the, uh, current state of affairs in Shuigang, they're out of the picture.
Torque: So you need us to fly to Shang Mu and convince Zao to give the stone back.
Gong: Precisely.
Sonic: Alright, sounds easy enough.
Lilac: Yeah, let's give it a shot!
Torque: Right! I assume we'll be taking one of these planes...
Gong: Uh huh. You do know how to fly it, do you?
Torque: Of course I do!
Gong: Good. When you get there, head straight for the city hall.
Torque: Yes sir!
Knuckles: Yeah, but here's a problem. We don't have space for all of us.
Sonic: You're rIght.
Tails: Don't worry, I got it all over control!
Tails presses a button as the Tornado flies in.
Sonic: Alright! The Tornado!
Knuckles: Nice going, Tails.
Tails: Hehe.
Carol: Whoa!
Milla: That's so cool!
Lilac: You weren't kidding when you said Tails was a inventor.
Sonic: Of course. Anyway, let's go!
Lilac and the girls goes on the plane as Sonic stands on top of it.
Carol: Huh?
Sonic: What?
Lilac: Isn't that dangerous?
Knuckles: Don't worry, he always does this.
Tails: Yeah.
Sonic: It's my type of thing! Alright, guys! Straight ahead!
The two planes fly away as they fly to Shang Mu.


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