Battleship Attack pt 2

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In the airship:
Everyone was sleeping until the ship starts to shake.
Everyone: Whoa!
Knuckles: What the heck!
Carol: What's going on?!
Torque: Shoot! We've gotta disable those ships or we're toast!
Sonic: Got it! Let's go!
Everyone: Right!

They all go outside as they see three ships around them.
Knuckles: Three ships?
Tails: We need a plan!
Sonic: Alright! Me and Lilac will go on this ship! Knuckles and Carol will take in the other and Tails and Milla will take on the last ship!
Everyone: Got it!
Sonic: Let's do it, Lilac!
Lilac: Yeah!
Torque: Come on, guys!

Knuckles: Three ships?Tails: We need a plan!Sonic: Alright! Me and Lilac will go on this ship! Knuckles and Carol will take in the other and Tails and Milla will take on the last ship!Everyone: Got it!Sonic: Let's do it, Lilac!Lilac: Yeah!Torque: ...

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Sonic and Lilac goes on Torque's plane as they fly into the metal ship.
Lilac: Cannons!
The ship shoots cannons at Torque's plane as he dodges it.
Torque: Shoot! At this rate, we won't be able to get in!
Sonic: Of course we are! Time for a skydiving adventure!
Sonic jumps from the plane as he skydives down to the ship.
Torque: What?!
Lilac: That's Sonic for you. (He's always like this when he's on adventures. Always positive... I guess that's how I... Maybe...)
Sonic dodges the cannons as one of the ships shoot rockets at Sonic. Sonic kicks the rocket down and rides on it as he goes into the ship.
Sonic: Woohoo!
Lilac: I'll go too!
Torque: I'll send in the platforms!
Their ship sends in platforms as Lilac gets to the other ship.
Sonic rides on the rocket as he jumps off it as it destroys the robots.
Sonic lands on the ship with Lilac as they both run in destroying robots.
Lilac: More robots!
Sonic: No problem! Lilac!
Sonic grabs Lilac's hand as they both spin around. Sonic and Lilac both go together as they synchronized the spindash destroying the robots.
Sonic: Aww yeah!
Lilac: Yeah!
Sonic and Lilac dodges the lasers and traps as they got to the big robot.
Sonic: Let's do it, Lilac!
Lilac: Right!
Sonic and Lilac attacks the robot as it shoots lasers at them, but they dodge it. The robot starts to swing its arms out as Sonic and Lilac dodges it. Sonic and Lilac both spin kicks the robot as it explodes.

Lilac: There's the cannons!Sonic: Alright!Sonic and Lilac takes out the cannons as Torque flies in

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Lilac: There's the cannons!
Sonic: Alright!
Sonic and Lilac takes out the cannons as Torque flies in.
Torque: Guys, hop on!
Sonic and Lilac jumps in the plane as they go to the fire ship. Sonic and Lilac gets in the ship as they see fire traps.
Lilac: Sonic!
Sonic: Okay!
Lilac grabs Sonic's hand and spins like a ball as she goes through the fire.
Sonic: Whoa! That's cool! You can go through anything when doing that?!
Lilac: Yeah. That's my special ability.
Sonic: I was born being fast.
Lilac: Really?
Sonic: Yeah.
Lilac: Behind you.
Sonic punches the robot as it disappears.
Sonic: Thanks.
Lilac: Sonic, look!
Sonic turns around as Knuckles and Carol were fighting off robots.
Sonic: Let's go!
Knuckles: Man, there's too many of them!
Carol: Knuckles, Behind you!
Knuckles: Huh?
Two robots goes to attack Knuckles but Sonic and Lilac attacks the robots as they explode.
Sonic: Hey there, Knuckles!
Knuckles: About time you showed up!
Lilac: Are you okay, Carol?
Carol: I'm fine.
Sonic: You guys go back in the ship, me and Lilac will handle this!
Knuckles: Always the one doing all the work.
Carol: I hope Milla and Tails are okay.
Sonic: They will be. Let's hurry and destroy the cannons!
Lilac: Right!
They keep going in the ship defeating robots and dodging traps as they see Spade.
Sonic: Him again?
Spade: You just don't know when to fold, do you?

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