Critical Condition

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In Shang Tu's palace:

Magister: Once again, you have deceived us

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Magister: Once again, you have deceived us. Do you realize what this means?
Lilac: If it makes any difference, your excellency... We're deeply sorry.
Sonic: So what're you gonna do, get us into a really hard cell that we'll never get out?
Magister: It means that I have been foolish.
Sonic: Huh?
Magister: We examined the fragment your commander gave us.
Lilac: Does that mean that you'll help?
Magister: There is something you two must do for us fest. A mission, if you will. Accept and we will restore your strength. Succeed and we will restore your honor.
Lilac: Th... Thank you, your excellency.
Sonic: So where is it?
Magister: In the bath room to the right. Also, you can only take the bath once. Once you finish, you can't use it for a while.
Sonic: Wait, what does that mean?
Neera: It means that you two will have to bathe together.
Sonic, Lilac: What?!
Magister: Sorry, but it's the only bath that you can do.

In the bathroom:
Sonic goes in the tub first as he goes into the right side of the tub.
Sonic: (Oh, man, what am I doing?)
Lilac goes in the bathroom embarrassed.
Lilac: D-Don't look, okay?
Sonic: O-Okay...
Lilac goes in the left side of the tub as she turns around touching Sonic's back as they both blushed.
Sonic, Lilac: ...
Sonic: Well, this didn't go as planned, huh?
Lilac: Y-Yeah...
Sonic puts his right hand on the tub.
Lilac puts her left hand on the tub as their hands touched each other making them blush more.
Sonic, Lilac: ...
Sonic: Y-You're still worried about your friends, huh?
Lilac: Ah, how did you-
Sonic: It's pretty obvious. I'm worried about my friends also, but I'm sure they're fine as long as they're with yours. You were saying that after we got out from that base.
Lilac: ...
Sonic: Sorry, Lilac...
Lilac: Huh?
Sonic: I let them captured you... I could've helped, but because of that you've been...
Lilac then turns around and hugs Sonic as he feels Lilac's breast into him.
Sonic: Ah, L-Lilac...?
Lilac: No, it's not your fault. I'm glad you came to rescue me. I knew you would.
Sonic: Lilac...
Lilac: You've always come to protect me when bad things happen, but... I wanna protect you as well.
Sonic: L-Lilac...
Lilac: I don't want you to keep getting yourself hurt. This time, I'll be there to protect you.
Sonic: ...
Lilac: I... I...
Sonic: Hehe, alright then.
Lilac: Huh?
Sonic: If that's the case, then I'll do the same regardless. I got your back, you got mine. How's that?
Lilac: Sonic... Y-Yeah.
Sonic: Hehe, okay then.
Lilac begins to blush as she kisses Sonic on the cheek making him blush.
Sonic: Wha-L-Lilac?!
Lilac: I love you, Sonic.
Sonic was surprised of Lilac saying that to him as he blushes.
Sonic: Hehe, is that so? Then I guess I do also...
Lilac: Sonic...
Sonic: Hey, could you-
Lilac: No, I want to stay like this.
Sonic: Ah, Lilac...
Lilac stays in her position as Sonic deals with it.
Sonic: (What am I gonna do now?)

Few minutes later:
The two gets out of the tub as they were fully healed. Lilac puts her clothes on as Sonic turns around. They both exit the bathroom as they went back to where the Magister and Neera are.
Neera: The fragment your commander gave us is indeed crafted from a rare mineral. But we've discovered it before. In one other location.
Lilac: Why haven't you dug it up by now? We feared that it was radioactive. Now that we've studied it in person, we know that it is safe enough to investigate.
Magister: This could provide the answers we seek... Why the invaders know of our world, and more importantly, how to defeat them.
Sonic: So you want us to search for the rare item in where exactly?
Magister: It is in the far side in Pangu Lagoon. If you keep going there you'll find the rare item.
Neera: Get in there. Find what you can, and leave. Do it as quickly as possible.
Sonic: Heh, doing it quickly is my specialty. You can count on us.
Lilac: We won't fail you.

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