Kingdom Stone Pursuit pt 2

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In Shang Mu:
Torque: We're here!
Sonic: *Whistle* What a view!
Carol: I know right?!
Tails: Let's land here.
They all landed in Shang Mu as they see Spade in the way.

Spade: You just had to follow me here, didn't you?Sonic: You again!Knuckles: Rrr!Carol: How did you know we were coming?Spade: You seemed pretty determined to get that stone back

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Spade: You just had to follow me here, didn't you?
Sonic: You again!
Knuckles: Rrr!
Carol: How did you know we were coming?
Spade: You seemed pretty determined to get that stone back.
Torque: So you're the thief Lilac was talking about!
Spade: I've been called worse.
Lilac: Where is it?
Spade: I've already finished the job. It's time for my brother to play his hand.
Sonic: Huh?
Torque: Your brother?
Lilac: Prince Dail of Shuigang.
Spade: When he finds the man who murdered our father, there will be no mercy for the kingdom responsible.
Lilac: We know who's responsible.
Spade: Nice try.
Sonic: But it's true!
Spade: Why would I listen to you?
Carol: Will you just hold on a minute and let us explain?
Spade: What, so you could throw me off again with your lies? Thanks, but I've had enou-
A laser shoots down as it breaks the way.
Sonic: Whoa!
Tails: A ship!
Torque: Everyone split up!
Sonic: Okay then. Knuckles and Carol go this way! Tails and Milla go that way! Torque try to use your plane to look up. Me and Lilac will go this way!
Everyone: Okay!
Torque: We'll cut him off at the huge shopping mall over there!
Everyone: Got it!

Sonic and Lilac runs through as robots appear.
Lilac: Robots again?
Sonic: Let's destroy them quick!
Sonic does a homing attack and Lilac does her cyclone as the robots explode. Sonic and Lilac keeps running as they see the big ship behind them.
Sonic: Whoa!
Lilac: Look out!
Sonic and Lilac dodges the laser as they keep running. They keep running, but it was a dead end in front of them.
Lilac: Oh no, we're trapped!
Sonic: Nope! Hold on!
Sonic grabs her hand as he keeps running. Sonic jumps on the wall an backflips dodging the ship as it breaks the wall.
Sonic: There we go!
Lilac blushes.
Lilac: T-Thanks.
Sonic: Hehe. Anyway, we should be able to keep going now.
Lilac: Y-Yeah.
They keep going from platform and defeating robots.
Sonic: Huh?
Sonic notices cannons as it comes for them.
Lilac: Cannons!
Sonic: Let's go!
Sonic and Lilac runs from the cannons as they got to a safe spot.
Sonic: Phew, that was close.
Lilac: Yeah.
They got to the other section as they go through the roofs.
Sonic: For them having armed robots here, this place is gorgeous!
Lilac: Yeah. It really is beautiful.
They then looked around as they see lanterns in the air.
Sonic, Lilac: Whoa!
Lilac: It's beautiful!
Sonic: It sure is.
Sonic sees Lilac smiling.
Sonic: (I'm glad she's smiling.)
Lilac: Huh?
Lilac sees a big ship shooting a laser.
Lilac: Sonic, look out!
Sonic: Huh?
The laser goes for Sonic as Lilac saves him.
Sonic: Whoa!
Lilac: You okay?
Sonic: Yeah, thanks for the save, but it's coming back!
Lilac: Let's go!

Sonic: Whoa!Lilac: You okay?Sonic: Yeah, thanks for the save, but it's coming back!Lilac: Let's go!

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