Temple Ambush!

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Before I start the chapter I kinda messed up on the beginning cause in the story, they never met Milla. Also the other characters will not be shown in the stages just Sonic and Lilac since it's their story. They'll only be in the cutscenes. Hope you guys understand. Anyway enjoy the chapter!!!

In the Ancient Temple:
The four runs into the ruins as they see General Gong.

Sonic: Is that him?Lilac: General Gong!Gong You two again? Hmm? Who are these two?Sonic: Hey there

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Sonic: Is that him?
Lilac: General Gong!
Gong You two again? Hmm? Who are these two?
Sonic: Hey there.
Knuckles: Hey.
Carol: These are our new friends.
Lilac: We have to talk to you. The Kingdom Stone is in danger!
Gong: Don't be ridiculous! Nothing gets past my nose!
Carol: Will you just listen for a minute?!
Sonic: It's actually true. The Kingdom Stone is gonna get stolen if we don't do something quick.
Neera: What is the meaning of this?
Neera comes in as she sees people.

Neera: What is the meaning of this?Neera comes in as she sees people

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Sonic: (Another one?)
Lilac: We mean no disrespect. We're just trying to-
Neera: You heard what the general said. There is nothing to worry about.
Lilac: But-
Neera: Don't make me repeat myself.
Sonic: It won't work. We should go back.
Carol: Well, they sound like they know what they're doing. Why don't we just charge up and go home? Whaddya say?
Sonic: Go home?
Lilac: I don't know. I feel like they're hiding something from us...
Sonic: Hmm.
Knuckles: I say we break in!
Sonic: You mean, sneak in, Knuckles?
Knuckles: Same thing! Hmm?
Knuckles looks behind as a big train was heading this way.
Knuckles: Big truck!
Everyone: Whoa!
They all dodged the truck as it breaks in.
Gong: It's an ambush!
Sonic: Looks like we got work to do!
Lilac: Come on!
They all go inside as they go to chase the truck

In the Relic Maze:

The four runs in as they were robots.
Lilac: Robots!
Sonic: It's those again!
Knuckles: Hmph! I'll take care of it! Hragh!
Knuckles run towards the robots and punches them as they all explode.
Lilac: Whoa!
Carol: He's so cool!
Sonic: That's Knuckles for you!
Carol uses her hands to scratch out one of the robots behind Knuckles.
Knuckles: Hmph, thanks.
Carol: Hehe.
The four keeps going from platforms, destroying robots as they see a cave.
Lilac: A cave?
Sonic: Lets go in!
Lilac: Sonic wait!
Sonic runs off.
Carol: We'll meet up with you ahead.
Knuckles: Yeah, we'll go in this cave.
Lilac: Okay!
Knuckles and Carol runs off.
Lilac: (Sonic... always careless. I guess that's why he's interesting.)
Lilac goes inside.
Lilac: Sonic! Where are you!
Sonic: Down here!
Lilac sees a light as it was Sonic.
Lilac goes to Sonic.
Sonic: Look what I found!
Lilac sees a button in the distance.
Lilac: It's a button.
Sonic: I wonder what it does?
Lilac: Sonic, wait!
Sonic touches the button as the lights turns on.
Sonic: Oh, look, the lights are on!
Lilac: (Really...?)
They then heard something from outside.
Lilac: Something must've happened outside.
Sonic: Let's go back.
They got out of the cave as another cave is opened.
Sonic: Oh, look, another cave!
Sonic tries to run, but Lilac grabs him.
Lilac: Nope, you're staying with me!
Sonic: Fine...
Lilac: Hehe.
Sonic and Lilac both goes in the other cave as they go down.
Sonic: Looks like we gotta go all the way up.
Lilac: Easy!
Lilac grabs Sonic as she spins and launches up bouncing wall to wall.
Sonic: Wait, you can also bounce from wall to wall?
Lilac: Yeah, it's my power.
They keep going as a pile of rocks fell.
Lilac: Hmm?
The rocks start to combine as it goes to attack.
Sonic: Lilac, look out!
The rock starts to shoot fire as it goes for Lilac.
Lilac: Wah!
Sonic quickly saves Lilac as he spin dashes into the rock.
Sonic: You okay?
Lilac starts to blush a little.
Lilac: Yeah, thanks.
Sonic and Lilac gets out of the cave as the third one opens. The cave opens as Knuckles and Carol were there.
Sonic: Hey, Knuckles! Carol!
Carol: Hey!
Knuckles: How'd it go?
Lilac: Nothing, but this cave is opened.
Sonic: Alright then. Let's go!
They all go in as they see a yellow diamond.
Sonic: A diamond.
The ground starts to shake.
Carol: Whoa!
Knuckles: What the?!
The wall breaks as a big claw machine steals the diamond.

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