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With Lilac and the others:
Knuckles and Carol tries to break out, but was unable to.

With Lilac and the others:Knuckles and Carol tries to break out, but was unable to

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Knuckles: Dang it!
Carol: That stupid panda girl!
Lilac: Come closer. We can't let the guards hear us.
Tails: Yeah, come on.
Knuckles: Fine.
Carol: Okay.
Knuckles and Carol walks back.
Lilac: Now let's try and figure this out. We gotta bust out of here, but we can't leave without Sonic and Torque.
Knuckles: But the thing is, Sonic's at a arena. If he wins we all go except him.
Tails: Knuckles' right. I'm just hope he's alright.
Milla was digging a hole.
Milla: This way! I can dig through here!
Tails: Nice one, Milla!
Milla: Hehe.
Knuckles: Great!
Carol: Now that makes it easy. Let's go!
Lilac: Actually, Milla and Tails should go. We don't want the guards to suspect anything.
Milla: We'll go! For the team!
Tails: Yeah!
Knuckles: Be careful.
Tails and Milla goes down the hole. A TV pops from the cell.
Knuckles: Huh?
Carol: Look it's-
Lilac: Sonic!
Knuckles: (Sonic, what are you doing?)
Lilac: Sonic...

With Sonic:
Sonic was walking with Neera as they got to the arena
Neera: We're here.
Sonic: Oh, we are? Man, why did it feel like it was so long?
Neera pushes Sonic in the arena as the people were watching.
Sonic: Wow, that's a lot of people!
Neera: Enjoy your defeat, Sonic.
The gates closed as a big monster was walking.
Sonic: Whoa! Now that's big!
Announcer: The battle will end if one is unable to continue or gives up! Let the battle begin!
The monster run towards Sonic.
Sonic: Uh oh!

In Shuigang Palace:
Dail, Serpentine, and the minions were in the throne room with Brevon.

In Shuigang Palace:Dail, Serpentine, and the minions were in the throne room with Brevon

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Brevon: It has come to my attention that there are still Chasers among us. We must neutralize them.
Syntax shows them Sonic, Lilac and the others.
Serpentine: Tsshah! I'll get you, commander!
Syntax: According to our intelligence reports, direct infiltration of the city will be impossible without exposing our operations.
Brevon: As soon as they leave, I want them dragged to our remote base. Do whatever it takes to bring them under our control.

In the arena:
Sonic dodges the monster's attacks as he sees the wall.
Sonic: (That's the same wall at the cell. I just need to knock him back and see if it'll work.)
Sonic kicks the monster as he homing attacks it pushing him back.
Sonic: It's gonna be tough pushing him a lot.
The monster goes to grab Sonic, but he dodges it as he runs around the arena.
Sonic: Need to go faster!
Sonic goes extremely fast as the monster couldn't see him. Sonic jumps from a wall and spins like a ball as he goes towards the monster. Sonic hits the monster with a powerful spin as he gets thrown into a wall as it breaks.
Sonic: Alright! It worked!
The monster comes back up as it runs to Sonic.
Sonic: I give up!
Announcer: Huh? Are you sure?
Sonic: Yep! I give up!
Announcer: A-Alright then! The monster wins!
The crowd cheers as the others were surprised.

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