When your on your pireod

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-when Chrollo discovered you were on your period he had a basic understanding of what that ment
-he understood the logic behind it but not all the side effects
-so Chrollo went to the library stole a book and researched what the best thing to do about a period is
-you get a pretty wide range of cramps on the pain scale threw out the day
-but even so you arnt extremely moody like how the book described other girls can be
-chrollo was very thankful for that
-but if one of the troupe members piss you off...
-well let's just say there day isn't going to end on a good note
-but Chrollo doesn't have to worry about that because he rarely upsets you
-and he tries especially hard not to when your on your period
-to make sure your kept happy chrollo never gives you a mission when your on your period
-and he's found that the best thing to do when it came to you is to steal you comfort food and give you space
-meaning you have the hole week to your self with all the food and books you could want
-so over all your kept pretty relaxed and comfortable when ever your on your period
-meaning your all around pretty calm
-as long as everyone stays on your good side


-when ever your on your period Kirapika tries spending the week with you
-or at least as much time as he can
-you get mild cramps for the most part but even so your not terribly moody
-your just kinda...
-"done" is the best way to put it
-you don't want to get out of bed or make your self meals or do anything
-if Kirapika didn't wake you up you'd sleep threw the entire week
-Kirapika doesn't particularly mind taking care of you because you do the same for him all the time
-but sometimes enough is enough and he makes you do something productive
-like getting out of bed or changing into different cloths
-the one thing he doesn't have to force you to do is take a bath
-you'v fallen asleep in the bath a few times witch concerns Kirapika and makes him nervous
-but nothings ever happened before so he doesn't pester you about it
-for the most park your pretty chill on your period
-your just glad to spend quality time with your boyfriend


-two words
-Mood swings
-and chocolate
-lots of chocolate


-Gon doesn't realize that you have a period
-he doesn't even know what a period is
-and you don't really find it necessary to tell him
-sense your periods are very mild

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