-Chrollo doesn't really get drunk
-maybe a little tipsy yes but not intoxicated
-there have been a few instances where he's had a bit too much champagne
-or a one glass of wine too much to drink
-he's mood or personality doesn't change too Drastically
-but he can become some what erratic and unpredictable
-he may make some absurd comments
-or send the troupe on some odd unnecessary
-or unthought out mission but that's all
-it doesn't take him long to get over having too much to drink
-and he doesn't get bad hang overs
-but he apologizes to everyone effected by his behavior any wayKirapika:
-Kirapika would never try to get drunk
-he may go out with Leoreo or neon might offer him a drink
-but he would never purposely get drunk
-and sence he doesn't drink it only takes a little bit of alcohol to get him drunk
-he tends to get really sad and is prone to apologizing when he's intoxicated
-he'd go on and on about how your too good to him
-and he apologizes constantly for not spending enough time with you
-after Kirapika gets over his hang over that isn't the most fun
-he feels really bad and tries making it up to you
-he's also pretty embarrassed about the hole ordealKillua:
-Killua tried alcohol but he didn't like the taste of it at all
-so he's never gotten drunk
-Leoreo's tried tricking him into drinking
-but it never works sense Killua can detect the taste of the liquorGon:
-Gon accidentally got drunk once
-he ordered some fancy sounding drink off the menu and quite liked it
-he drank a bit too much before realizing that the drink was alcohol
-Gon became really energetic and even more talkative than he normally is when he became intoxicated
-he was so hyper it wasn't even funny
-when it came to the hang over tho Gon was out cold
-he must've slept for a day or two straight
-he didn't remember anything of what happened
-Killua was pissed

Hunter x Hunter Boyfriend Scenarios & One Shots
RomanceA book full of lovey dovey scenarios with your favorite Hunter x Hunter characters including one shots! Please enjoy! Under heavy editing Characters included: Chrollo Kirapika Killua gon Shalnark Feitan Tserriednich illumi Hisoka Requests are...