Chrollo x child hood friend reader

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This request was also from injjured thank you so much I'm sorry it didn't turn out as well as I thought it would

Third person prospective

Chrollo and (u) were child hood friends as close as you could get to faimly they were inseparable no one could Tear them apart well..... that was exept for them, them selves when chrollo decided he was going to leave meteor city with the phantom troop he made the difficult decision to leave (u) behind at the time they were both very young (u) was 'fragile' as chrollo liked to put it even thow she was far from she was very strong but chrollo never wanted her to half to be he wanted her to be able to be happy and not half to kill so one night he left with out a word not a single thing left behind except for a book (u) cried non stop for week's on end she hated being left behind her grief soon turned to fury she was tossed aside forgotten left to rot and die in some pit of garbage that was when she took an oath she swore that she would one day get her revenge on chrollo....... no matter what. she let her anger blind her she lost control.

10 years later (U) prospective

'Iv finally found him!' I smile looking at the auction's web site 'knowing him he won't be able to resist' I think recalling all the previous highest's the troop's pulled of 'he won't get away this time no one will get in my way'

Chrollo prospective

"Tonight is the night of the auction I will be with neon the hole time to everyone els I give you permission to kill anyone..... and everyone. make it a big show..... for the fallen" I announce to the troop. grins forming on each of there faces 'tomorrow's going to be big'

Time skip the next day chrollo has just finished fighting the zoldacks
(U) prospective

I wait out side the room from were chrollo and the zoldacks are fighting 'there's no way they'll be able to kill chrollo on the other hand he won't kill them ether he's probably to intrigued by there abilities...... once the fight's over...... I'll get my revenge!' I think waiting out side patiently when I hear a huge explosion 'he's still alive' I think as I hear talking but I can't make out what there saying then the door's open and Zeno and Silva walk out "it's your turn" Silva says "I hope you don't regret this" Zeno adds "before I go in there id like to thank you this is only possible because you'v helped me also can you thank illumi for me... if I don't come back I mean?" I ask bowing and Zeno nod's "of corse" Silva says "good luck" Zeno smiles and I walk to the door's taking a deep breath before walking inside "missed me?" I ask seeing chrollo his eye's widen and I take out my knife ready to charge him but before I can kill him he appears behind he hugging me tightly not letting me stab him "wh-WHAT THE HELL LET GO OF ME YOU BASTARD!!!" I scream trying to wriggle free of his grasp but his grip around me Titans "(u) I missed you pleas let me explain" chroll0 says and tears of anger sadness frustration and confusion well up in my eye's "yo-you jerk don't act all hight and mighty! You left me chrollo YOU LEFT ME! There's nothing to explain" I sob "you left me in that dump with out even saying good by! I wanted to go with you! I wanted to be with you YOU BASTARD! You left me all alone! For 10 years! 10 GOD DAME YEARS CHROLLO!" I cry hitting his chest repeatedly "you jerk....." I sob before melting onto the floor in tears "why?!..... pleas tell me? Why chrollo? Why can't I kill you? That's all I wanted I Worked for years YEARS! to get to this point but I can't fucking do it! Why!" "(u)....... I'm sorry.... it was my fault I'm sorry for leaving you I should have never done that it was the worst decision in my life iv regretted it every single day iv wanted to see you but...... I thought that would defeat the purpose of me leaving heh..... I thought you'd probably take it like this planing on killing me some day you haven't changed a bit" "n-not funny!" I shout wiping tears from my face "(u)?" He calls "what?" I glare "I...... really did miss you you know" he says "you know you never change ether chrollo I bet you got all those lines from some cheesy romance novel" I say standing up "you caught me" he says "*sigh* I should have guessed this would have been the out come from the beginning" I sigh dusting my self of the door's open and Zeno and Silva walk in and over to us "I'm sorry (u) but I couldn't leave" Zeno says walking up to me "heh you knew what was going to happen didnt you old man?" I ask with a smile and he nods "that's the main reason we expected this job so you would have the chance to meet him agin" Silva says "we knew you two wouldn't be able to kill each other" Zeno says "huh? Why not?" I ask confused "would you like to explain it to her chrollo or would you rather me?" Zeno ask's chrollo and I turn around to face him with a confused look "(u) for the past month I'v known that you'v been with the zoldacks thanks to illumi he told me that he had a friend who was planing on killing me I asked a few questions and figured out it was you so....." chrollo says "so he contacted us and had us bring you here" Zeno says "why?" I ask even more confused "because (u)....... I really do love you"

Oh my god this chapter's so crappy I'm very sorry

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