Kite x drunk reader

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Author prospective/ third person and

A big thanks to @Feitanisbai for the suggestion sorry it took me so long but I hope you like it! Oh and thanks to iiTokyoWeeb for the help!

(U) had gone out with her three friends (name) (name) and (name) to have some fun in town going around bar hoping and shopping senc (u) had just turned 21 (pretend) thay we're celebrating by drinking wich ended up being a very bad idea seeing as how (u) is currently drunk and trying to sing karaoke key word 'trying'

(U)'s BEST friend's prospective

I slowly approach (u) and sit down next to her on one of the bar stools "hay (u) maby we should put down the alcohol and go home?" I ask as if talking to a child trying not to upset her like (name) did (u) ended up crying after she did "but I don't wanna!" She pouts taking another sip of the martini in her hands "(u) I really think we should stop at this point your gonna drink until you pass out" I try to reason while reaching out for the alcohol "no!" She scoffs slapping my hand away "I'm sorry (u) I didn't wanna half to but I'm calling back up" I say getting up and walking over to the girls "she didn't listen?" Thay ask looking at the drunk (u) spinning around in one of the bar stools "no I think I'm gonna half to call him to come get her I didn't want to half to call him because I think he's at some job thing but she won't listen to us" I sigh taking my phone out of my pocket "isn't he of on some job thow?" (Name) ask's as I dial kite "yeah but I don't know what els to do" I answer putting the phone up to my ear and it rings *ring* ring* ring* click* 'he picked up?' "Yes who is this?" (U)'s boyfriend asks "its (name) I don't know if you remember me but I'm (u)'s friend and-" "what'd she do this time?" He says and I here him sigh over the phone "well umm.... she may have gotten a little drunk" I smile awkwardly "*sigh* I'm coming make sure she doesn't do any thing stupid before I get thair" "were at the bar down town next to the library but when do you think you can get here?" I ask "not sure I'm over seas right now but I'm positive I can get thair in maby a half hour" he says casualy "w-what?! Your over seas?! You can't get here in JUST 3o minutes that's CRAZY!" I yell over the phone "geez quite down I'm coming just wach (u)" he says before hanging up the phone 'h-h-he's crazy'

(U) prospective (your DRUNK DRUNK at this point you can't even walk strait)

"Can i *hic* geeeeet another one~" I ask reaching over the bar table "miss I think your drunk I'm not permitted to give you any more alcohol so-" "bbbbbbbut I wanted to have more *hic* bubbly stuffffff!" I wine throwing a glass on the ground and the bar tender walks away "hay (u) we're going to go to the lady's room can you stay here?" My friend asks me with a hopeful smile "surrrrre~" I smile a big goofy grin and the girls walk into the restroom leaving me alone I pick up my drink and start to drink it when a red haired guy approach's me with a big smile "why hello miss I see that your all alone would you care to let me join you I have some wine!" He smiles holding up two things of red wine and my eye's widen with glee "yessss yess pleas *hic* do!" I smile and he takes a seat next to me

Time skip 15 minutes (your friends left after being tired of waching red head flirt with you)

Kite prospect

I walk into the bar 'ick this place recks of alcohol' I think as I look around the small bar trying to find (u) when I spot her (hair color) hair......... and?........... RED HAIR?!?! I see (u) sitting next to a red haired guy with an arm wrapped around her i march towards (u) and grabe her wrist "KITE! Your here!" She smiles and gets up "yes now let's go!" I scowl "buttttttt I want to introduce you to *hic* Henry!" She smiles pointing to the red head "if you come near (u) agin I won't hesitate to-" "kite?!" (U) calls tears forming I'm her beautiful (eye color) "w-what? Why are you crying!?" I ask frantically "dont threaten Henry" she smiles "wow your really drunk arnt you?" I ask looking down at her "maybe~" she smiles hugging me and we start to walk out of the bar "hay (u) we're are you *hic* going?" The red head asks "far away from any licorice I can tell you that" I tell the red head as we walk out of the bar me still holding (u)'s hand as she stumbled around "so did you have fun?" I ask with an eye brow cocked "yeah! I got to try that bubbly red water!" She smiles looking up at me "oh you did did you? Well what did you think of it?" ask a smile forming on my face "it was ok I had a lot of fun *hic* doing karaoke thow!" She smiles and hug's me "w-what's this all about?" I ask with a small smile 'I half to admit she's cute when she's drunk' I think as she berry's her face in my arm "I wanna go home" she smiles before passing out "geez your too cute" I smile picking her up "let's go home then"

Sorry if it was short but I think it's cute!

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