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-often it doesn't matter to you what time it is or where you are
-you'v decided to take a nap and get some sleep in the most uncomfortable places and odd situations
-chrollo finds its fascinating how you can do easily stay asleep threw chaos
-but when you sense danger your body wakes itself up
-he's wondered if it may have something to do with nen and a sixth sense
-but came to the conclusion that wasn't the case
-often when he comes across you and your sleeping he'll sit beside you and read his book
-he'll glance over at you every once in a while
-and he makes sure than no one wakes you up
-he finds it calming to be able to just sit with you and read while you sleep
-and you find it comforting to know that while your sleeping no harm will come to you


-you can't sleep in Tserriednich's chambers with him
-or rather you can and he's told you you have permission
-but you don't think you should and so you don't
-every once in a while you'll take a nap
-and Tserriednich has a lounge chair in his office just for you so you can sleep
-you easily fall asleep and sounds or loud noises don't wake you
-but as soon as someone or something touches you your awake and alert as if you hadn't just been sleeping
-Tserriednich feels proud of the fact that you trust him enough to be able to fall asleep when your with him
-he also thinks you look adorable and so much more approachable while sleeping
-when your awake you tend to look so serious
-but asleep you look cute


-a lot of times Kirapika's come home and you'd tried waiting up on him
-only to fall asleep on the couch
-he finds it sweet and cute that you'd tried staying up so you could greet him when he got back
-he'd smiled setting down his stuff on the coffee table before placing a quick kiss to your forehead
-when you wake up most the time you'll see Kirapika's stuff on the table and immediately look around the house for him
-and you'll both fall asleep on the couch together


he jumped on the couch making you wake up and hit him on the head "BAKA!"


he had an evil idea and put shaving cream in your hand and tickled your face with a feather


-shalnark and you were live streaming one night for dedicated subscribers and your viewers in different time zones
-shalnark could tell you were getting tired
-eventually you just passed out leaning against him as you had both been playing mini games
-he smiled at this and the comments section were all spamming the chat saying "AWW!"
-and how cute and wholesome this was
-Shalnark laughed seeing the comments
-this wasn't the first time you'd fallen asleep live streaming
-he ended up sitting with the viewers for a few more minutes chatting and telling them bye before turning off the stream
-he found it cute how you fell asleep with out a care and scooped you up putting you in your beloved gaming chair
-he brought you a blanket and played some more games on mute till he fell asleep as well


-feitan gets annoyed with how you sleep
-your almost dead when you sleep nothing wakes you
-you could be alseep on the couch with Franklin firing off his nen bullets while Uvo used his sonic boom
-and you'd still be fast asleep
-but as soon as he sits down next to you you wake up
-he finds it irritating he just wants to be able to be next to you when your napping
-but no you have to wake up and talk his ear off
-after being with you for so long he's learned just to let you sleep and go do something else


-illumi just likes watching you sleep
-often when you wake you'll find illumi looking back at you
-it startled you at first but you'v gotten used to it
-and now you actually kinda expect it
-he tells you he watches over you so nothing happens while your sleeping
-it's kinda creepy but sweet at the same time

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