Chapter 1

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***Guys, this took everything out of meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. That being said, sorry for the late-night post, but it's here! Hope ya like it! And I will give you a music cue ;) Also, there's not a perfect spot in this chapter to start music, but it still fits pretty well. You may have to pause it, depending on the part. Oh! And some of you will marvel at the difference in how Nya acts around Skylor. I tried to keep things authentic, given the upbringing Nya's currently had. She is a dynamic character in this story :) ***

***(Kai's POV)***

Four years later...

"Nya!" I shout. "How much longer are you gonna be in there?"

Her voice is annoyed when it comes back to me. "Gee, I don't know, Kai. Maybe if you give me more than half a second to get ready, I'll be out soon!"

I moan, dropping my head on our front counter. "Whatever happened to the sweet little girl who used to help mom and dad around the house?"

"She died, Kai, just like they did." Her voice is serious.

I immediately feel guilty. "Look, Nya, I'm sorry. I won't bother you anymore."

She sighs in relief. "Thanks, Kai."

That lasts for about half a minute.

"Nya, you are aware that you're hogging our only restroom, right?" I yell.

She huffs. "Fine, fine! I'm coming! No wonder we haven't had many customers lately. You, brother, are a world-class grump." I hear the bathroom door open, and I turn.

"Nya, stop poking fun! You're such a – "

My mind comes to a standstill when I see her.

"What?" she asks, blushing madly.

When I can finally form words, they come out in a growl. "I think you know exactly what."

"Humor me." She raises a brow.

Where on earth does this attitude come from? "Nya Smith, I don't care if I have to wait for an hour. You get back inside there and put on something..."

"Something...what?" my sister challenges.

"Oh, I don't know. Something that doesn't show off ninety-eight percent of your legs!"

She crosses her arms. "My shorts are not that bad, Kai. The two percent leftover from your calculations actually goes down to my mid-thigh."

"Could you stop it with the sass for one moment?" I groan. "I can't think a coherent thought right now!"

"I can tell."

"I said cut the attitude, Nya!"

She sighs and comes to stand beside me, looping her arms around my shoulders.

"I forgive you," I smile, accepting her silent apology. Nya isn't exactly good with "I'm sorry's".

"You know," she wonders, "if I moved my arms up a little higher, they'd be around your neck. Then, I'd just have to – "

"Haha, little sister. Your humor does not escape me." I roll my eyes. "But seriously, what's with the shorts?"

"Well, see, you know we haven't gone shopping in a little while, and since it's officially summer and all, I figured I'd try on some of my old warm-weather clothes."

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