Chapter 15

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***Sorry things are a day late, my dudes, but I had to write a better ending than I was gonna give you guys. This makes so much more sense and ties up a lot of loose ends.

The funny thing is, without the epilogue, this story would have a really sad (yet confusing, given "I Never Knew") ending. Aren't you glad I didn't just stick with fifteen chapters? ;) ***

***(Kai's POV)***

The haunted noises of this place are really bothering me.

I've been sitting in a spare room alone for hours. Last I checked, there were two guards outside, so I can't get out through the door.

And there's no window. Don't they know that's a fire hazard?

A fire hazard...

I look down at my vengestone cuffs. If I only had my powers, I could for sure get out of here.

I need my element back. I can't sit around, waiting to bait Skylor here. I couldn't forgive myself for that.

I glance around the room. What could I use to get these off?

I totally need to start wearing hairpins.

To my left is a closet, and to the right is a nightstand. Either one could have something valuable I could use to get out of here.

I try the closet first, but all I find is an abundance of metal armor.


Footsteps sound outside, and I freeze.

"Get Yang," someone orders.

It sounds like Clouse.

More footsteps, and a shout.

"What is the meaning of this?" Yang rumbles. "I didn't ask to be interrupted during – oh." His voice loses the heat, replaced by horror. "My queen."

Who's his queen?

"I found her outside," Clouse explains.

A fist colliding with wood. "What did you do to her?"

"Nothing, my lord, I assure you. I found her in this condition."

Yang releases an expletive. "Take her to her chambers! I'll deal with Chen for this."

The retreating march of feet.


I shiver. What does Yang have up his sleeve?

I finish searching through the closet, finding nothing. I guess I can still check the nightstand.

It has three drawers. I filter through each one, trying not to waste time wondering about the contents. But seriously, there's a pile of gold coins, a cloak, some weirdly coded list written in shorthand, and a tablet computer. Do they even get Internet service out here?

Yet I find nothing to pick the lock on my cuffs. I suppose I'll have to find another way to –

There, in the carpet, lies a bobby pin.


Okay, I can do this. Sensei Wu showed the guys and I how to pick locks one time, and this shouldn't be any different. I bend the pin into an "S" shape, then poke it into the upper part of the keyhole. I apply downward pressure.

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