Chapter 14

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***I think you guys will like this chapter. I enjoyed writing it much more than last chapter, and I think Skylor's POV is pretty interesting here. And the song selection makes me happy. So...yeah!

Also, one chapter and an epilogue left! And then I'll start the next book (chronologically) in this AU. I bet you guys can guess what ship that one will focus on... :) ***

***(Kai's POV)***

"Welcome to eternal punishment, Kai Smith."

Clouse's voice echoes in my head, and I run at him.

"Eternal punishment's going to feel good in the morning for you!" I deliver a blow between his eyes.

He catches my fist with a cloud of magic, and I feel the power tighten around me. It wraps around my arms, my chest, my neck...

I struggle against him, creating a flame with my hand. It's quickly snuffed out by the dark power.

I choke out, " you think it's a good...idea to side with a noodle making...overlord?"

"Because Chen is on the winning side," Clouse smiles smugly. "And you are not."

The power tightens around me, and I groan. "Why...does he bring...Skylor's mom back?"

"It's always been the plan."

Chills ripple up my skin. "What do you...mean, 'always'?"

"I mean 'always'. Now, off to Chen we go." He snaps his fingers, and the cloud moves me in time with his steps. Thankfully, it loosens up a little, and I don't have to fight for breath anymore.

I frown. "You do realize we're in the Cursed Realm, right?"

"Of course, I do, you simpleton."

I sigh. "Okay, but why aren't we heading back to Ninjago? I thought you said we were going to see Chen." And Ninjago...that's where I need to be if I want to save my sister. And Skylor, even though she's the reason I'm in this mess.

"Chen isn't in Ninjago, Boy. He's here."

It dawns on me. "All the business trips away...he was coming here. This must be how he kept all his criminal activity a secret!"

"There wasn't any criminal activity, except for setting your house on fire."

"Then what was he doing down here? Skylor told me he's been going on these trips since she was a little girl."

"He has. Since they left the island, in fact."

"And he left the island...when Skylor's mom died. Do you mean that...he's been plotting to bring back Skylor's mom ever since she passed away?"

"It's taken years to gather all the proper elements for the spell, but yes."

"And Skye must be the final piece. But...why is Chen willing to kill his own daughter?"

"Enough questions for now," Clouse grunts.

I can't stop. "You intended for us to follow you, right? You wanted just Skylor to follow you, so you'd have her in your grasp with no one to stop you!" I huff. "What's wrong with you people that you think it's okay to kill everyone I love?"

"You'll work just fine as bait."

"Skylor's smarter than that," I argue. "She'll bring help when she comes, and then my team is going to kick your noodle-pooping butts."

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