Chapter 5

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***Congratulations, everyone. We are somehow a third of the way through this book. It also is 20,000 words so far. Well, there go my plans for a novella...***

***(Kai's POV)***

I feel the overprotectiveness usually reserved for Nya rise up inside. I march right up to Skylor where she stands at her window.

"What did he do to you?" I seethe. I could beat this guy to a pulp right about now, then run him over with my junk car afterwards.

Skylor's voice is hard in contrast with the gently blowing breeze. "He used my heart, Kai." She straightens her shoulders and walks away. "But it's over now. You need advice about Nya."

"That can wait," I huff, following her.

We end up walking a full circle around her room.

"Stop running from me!" I beg her. "Skylor, I only want to – "

"Protect me? Just like you protect your sister, I'm sure." She shakes her head and takes a seat in her desk chair.

"Yes, but – " I rake a hand through my hair. "Yes, I want to protect you, but you're not Nya." Boy, do I know that.

"Save it, Kai. I took care of myself."

I come to kneel in front of her, tugging on her hands. They're tightly clenched, and I have to pry her fingers apart. "Talk to me, Skylor," I plead. "Please. I just want you to be okay."

"Oh, like you're okay?" She untwines her hands from mine and spins her chair around. "If you haven't forgotten, you have quite a few issues of your own to deal with. I'm doing decidedly better than you."

I stop her chair with my hands, then pull it so she's facing me again. "Oh, and because you're so much more healed than I am, you think you have the right to counsel me about my wrecked family?" I sigh. "Skylor, don't let this be a one-sided friendship. I don't want to pour out my heart to you if you aren't willing to do the same."

"Speaking of one-sidedness, ever think it's kind of hypocritical to not let Nya stay home alone, then sneak out at night to party at Ninjago's clubs?"

I open my mouth, then close it.

She goes on. "And don't think I haven't realized you left her last night so you could come talk to me. You have control issues, Buddy."

I finally find words, and I'm hopping mad. "Stop turning this on me! Skylor, you're just lashing out because you don't want to tell me the truth about what you've been through!"

***Music cue <3***

Her eyes are steel against mine, but they slowly soften. I see regret and remorse swirling in them. "You're right, Kai," she groans. "But I do have a point about you sneaking out, so don't think we won't be discussing this later."

I hold my breath. "'re going to let me help you?" My hands somehow find their way to hers again.

She swallows. "I guess. I'll tell you, um, a little bit." She looks at me seriously. "Which is more than I've ever told anyone, so if you dare mention a single word to another soul – "

"I won't," I promise. "This'll just be between you and me. And maybe the guy who hurt you."

She shakes her head vigorously. "No, Kai. Don't bring him into this. He's long gone by now."

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