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***This ending gave me feels. I am happy. Read it.***

***(Skylor's POV)***

The first thing I hear is the sound I've so missed recently: That of breath coming in and out of my lungs. I guess I must be in the Departed Realm. Hey, at least I can breathe here.

But – Kai! No, no, no. I left him. We never even had a chance to be together, to see where our love would go.

And – Nya! I hope she's all right. I guess I'll know for sure pretty soon. There's no way that girl would go anywhere but the best of places when she died.

Then I hear a heart monitor, and I just get confused.

I push my eyelids open.

Huh. I could swear this looks like a hospital room. It smells like one, feels like one...or, at least, it feels like after they give you a good shot of painkillers.

I glance down and blink.

Oh, come on. Of course, I would be the one to die wearing a hospital gown, then show up in the Departed Realm wearing it. Why couldn't I have died at prom or something? Or at least in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt!

"Skye?" rumbles an all too familiar voice.

"Kai?" I say weakly.

Huh. Never noticed our names sounded so similar.

"Oh, thank the First Spinjitzu Master, you're awake!"

He starts laughing.

Hey, I mean, I don't know what he's laughing about, but that medicated feeling has me numb enough to laugh along with him.

And...I don't hack my brains out when I laugh! I've been healed! It's a miracle!

"You gave me the scare of a lifetime," Kai finally chuckles. "I thought for sure you were going to die."

"Wait," I whisper. "I'm...not dead?"

His joyful, warm brown eyes stare into mine. "Nope. You're at the hospital. You had a bronchoscopy several hours ago, and you came out of recovery at around 5:30. It's 6:30 now." He smiles. "I've been sitting here for a whole hour, waiting for you to wake up."

I'm still stuck on the "not dead" part. "Bronchoscopy," I mutter. "I never realized how fun that was to say."

"And welcome to Skylor on pain meds," he grins.

Someone knocks, and Kai groans. "Fine, Nya, you can come in now."

The short girl bursts through the door and falls at my bedside. "Skylor, you have no idea how happy I am to see you!"

I smile. "Nya, you're – you're all right."

She giggles. "Thanks to you and all the fire safety we learned in health class last year." She turns to Kai and smacks a kiss on his cheek. "I'm sorry that my brother made me stay outside. He wanted to be the first to greet you when you woke up."

"At least he's pretty to look at," I say.

She raises a brow.

Kai smirks. "I like Skylor on morphine."

"Yeah, well, whatever. I'm so glad you two are okay!" She wraps her brother in a big hug, then gives me a careful one.

"Can you leave us alone now?" Kai sighs miserably.

She plants her hands on her hips. "As long as you promise to be careful with that shoulder."

My lazy gaze travels to his arm, which has a bandage wrapped around it.

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