Clover yo

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The first question he asked was "whats your name girly"

I told him the truth, "pamela Clover brooks, but just call me clover"

"I love that name" he said happily. "What one, pamela, clover or brooks?" I questiond with a playful giggle. "All of them, especially clover". I smiled "thanks" i said while blushing.

Andys pov
After the girl sat next to me I put my arm around her and asked "whats your name girly?" She happily replied with "pamela clover brooks, but just call me clover." i loved that name especially clover and pamela. I truthfully replied with "i love that name". She giggled "what one pamela, clover, or brooks". "All of them especially clover" i said as I smiled . "she smiled then said "thanks" and blushed.

I knew i loved this girl, im surprised ashley only kissed her on the forehead and didn't try anything else im also glad he didn't. she was beautiful even with a big bruise on her chin from when the rapest tackled her. I think i love her, but her boyfriend is probably way better than me, shes to beautiful for a guy like me.

I asked her more questions cause I really wanted to get to know her.

Clovers pov

"Whats your boyfriend like" andy asked. "i never had one, i guess no guy wants the girl who gets bullied for being ugly and goth" i said while looking down. Everyone awwed and tryed to tell me how "beautiful" i am but i know they just felt bad for me.

who are your friends and what are they like" andy asked i told him the truth from the start to end. "Well my two very best friends are hope and addy, I've known addy since the 6th grade she never had a personality like mine, she always liked different music than me but for some strange reason seeing her on the first day of sixth grade when I didn't have depression i knew we would be great friends. but hope was more like me, she listened to the same kind of music as me we both thought the same i felt like we were long lost sisters, I loved hope she actually saved my life back when both ... accidents happened" I sighed as my eyes started to water.

" What accidents" jake asked, ashley, andy, jinxx and CC also sounded curious and both ashley and andy putting their arms around me. "its a really long story, I should probably call my dad and tell him im ok, he's probably worried sick"

They all nodded seeing the tears in my eyes knowing that I couldn't tell them cause it was too emotional for me to handle so jinxx took out his iPhone and gave it to me I dialed my house phone number and my dad picked up the phone.

Hello?He said

"hi dad i was just calling to tell you im ok and that ill be home shortly" I explained.

"pam-" I cut him off and corrected him

"its clover dad you know i hate the name pamela"

he restarted with "clover brooks you have no idea how much I was worried last night, I stayed up all night waiting for you to come home i cant risk losing another one of my children. where are you?" He said in a mad and stern voice

"dad don't worry i just ran into some new friends, ill be home in 2 hours" i said while I rolled my eyes.

"ok p- clover" he corrected himself "any more than 2 hours and im grounding you"

"ok dad bye"

I hung up the phone and since it was on speaker phone the whole band heard the convo. I finally stood up and said "I should start walking home, I don't know where i am and i only have 2 hours to find my way home, thanks so much guys for saving me, I've already been to much of a bother to you so i should go so i dont make it worse"

Andy smiled and asked "where do you live, we'll give you a ride then you have extra time to hang out with us so we can get to know you better"

ashley added "darlin you totally did the opposite of bothering us, we all enjoy you being with us" the whole band agreed with him, ashley pulled me down next to him.

he looked at me then smiled and winked at me. he leaned over to kiss my lips but I was so scared, i had never kissed anyone in my entire life. i do admit he was pretty hot but i dont know him and i think i love him, but then again i think i love all the members of this band. right before his lips met mine his phone dinged he quickly pulled away to grab it, he got a text from someone.

Ashley pov

I looked at this amazingly beautiful girl and i just smiled and winked, i couldn't help but to lean in to kiss her, but just before my lips met hers my phone dinged a few times so I grabbed it and it was a message from andy

AndyBVB: dude stop hitting on her, shes under aged.
Purdyboy: but andy... I think I love her i cant help myself.
AndyBVB: do you even know how old she is.
Purdyboy: no
AndyBVB: then don't try anything until you know how old she is.

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