Josh x Jaden😈

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💜House Whore💜

(edit: rewritten Jan12 2021)

The boys knew that Jaden was hot, Jaden loved to use that to his advantage. Josh tended to fuck him the most, both having grown some sort of attachment to each other. But neither really wanted to make a move, quite content with the way things were already.

As Josh commonly calls him during sex, he's quite literally the house whore. Anyone who was initiated into Sway had definitely gotten head or fucked Jaden at least once. Even Griffin and Kio, now in a commited relationship, had each had sex with the boy. Not anymore though, they were too busy scrambling each others brains everyday to need to have sex with him. Perfectly fine with the other members, less people to share Jaden with the better.

They always tell him that sex isn't the only reason he's around. His personality is amazing, always changing or shifting depending on the day. One day he could be a rockstar, then a cuddly ball of sunshine, or Bryce level entergetic. They all love each part of him the same though.

None of the people who have visted or commonly visit the house know what happens when they aren't around. Jaden wears the 'normal Sway Boy attire' and tries not to limp. They don't flirt—not more than you see on youtube—it's what people have come to expect as normal.

The boys were all sitting around in the movie room, really just a large empty room with a big projector and some couches. They were watching 365 days, purely for the memes—and maybe because the wanted to watch a BDSM film—but mostly for the memes. Though Josh wasn't really watching the screen, rather watching Jaden. The boy was wearing a white flowy crop top and these black high-waisted booty shorts that showed off his beautiful body. With his small waist and big ass Josh was trying to hold off the bulge in his pants that was slowly growing.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed a pillow for his mid-section.

Jaden shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He'd been fucked quite roughly last nigh, Bryce always did a number on him. He had a pretty bad limp, and Josh felt guilty for the dirty thoughts running through his mind. The boy deserved a break, he tried to reason with himself. But his self-control slowly drained when his eyes trailed back up to the movie. Apparently, the boat scene was coming up. And Josh was really regretting that he agreed to watch this movie.

The scene came. And boy was it something. Completely disregarding how morally wrong whoever the main character was (he forgot that mans name already) the scene was hot. And when he glanced back over to Jaden again, he accidentally locked eyes with the boy.

He also looked to see Anthony, Bryce, Noah and Blake all looking at Jaden. Jaden blushed deeply and stood up to scurry out of the room. Which really didn't help the now raging boner Josh had since he just got a direct shot of Jaden's thick ass. When he turned back around, Griffin and Kio were already gone, presumably to Griffins room so they could fuck.

Without taking another glance, Josh flung the pillow beside him, jumped over the couch, and followed Jaden into the kitchen.

Once he was in the kitchen, he was blessed with the sight of Jaden. Bent over the counter, on his phone, the stem of a lollipop protruding from his lips. They both smiled as their eyes locked. Sharing a short kiss that escalated quickly when Jaden's hand lightly grazed the problem Josh had.

"The movie sure did a number on you" Jaden smirked, slowly spinning to grind his ass against Josh's boner. "Wasn't paying attention to the movie, was focused on you the whole time" Josh gritted out, dropping his head so he could place a hickey onto Jaden's collarbone. "Guess I should...fix it for you then" he moaned, jumping into Josh's arms.

They got into Josh's room, and he practically threw the older boy onto the bed. Jaden almost looked ethereal at this angle. Josh pulled his shirt off, straddling the boy. "You look so beautiful in croptops you know"

"I know. Shut up and kiss me" he hooks his fingers behind Joshs shoulders and pulls him down to exchange a heated kiss. Their lips moved fast, messy, uncoordinated, his hands threading up through his lovers uncut hair. Josh's tongue pushes through his mouth unpredictable, curling around it and sucking. The moan Jaden makes is swallowed up by the mouth pressed against his.

Josh pulls away first, Jaden's lips trailing his. "Please Josh" it's a shuddery gasp as Jaden grabs his shorts, trying to pull them off. "Patience is a virtue you know" Josh smiles. He pulls off his pants and boxers before pulling Jaden's off as well—painstakingly slow.

"For fucks sake Josh hurry up" Jaden groans, kicking his boxers the rest of the way off. "I think you have a bit of an attitude problem. Maybe I need to fix it for you." Josh growls. Jaden moans louder but protests nonetheless. "I need to be able to walk tomorrow for filming. Plus, you don't have it in you to give a good punishment" Jaden smirks.

Their eyes are blown back with lust, but Josh's darken further quickly. "It seems you forgot who the whore is here. You're not getting lube today, if I didn't need you for filming together I wouldn't prep you either. If you complain I swear I will shove I vibrator up your ass and leave you here for hours"

A shiver racked Jaden's body, and he attempted to have a comeback, "That's not even- FUCK" he gasped. His head dropped into the pillow, he knew it wasn't supposed to feel good, but the two fingers Josh had pushed into him hurt. The drag hurt his walls and the intrusion felt wierd.

But the pain soon faded and dissolved into pleasure."aah~more~please I nee- NO" Jaden yells and starts to wriggle when he feels Josh's fingers leave from inside him. "Shut up. I'm fucking you, but I can't put my dick in if you keep squirming around on the bed"

Josh slides in slowly giving Jaden the chance to adjust. He groans loudly when he bottoms out, Jaden's ass felt so tight around his hard dick. After about a minute he starts to thrust in slowly, rocking his hips back and forth. But it doesn't last long before Josh is ramming into Jaden, hard, fast thrusts that leave the older gasping for air.

"Oh my god~you fuck me so well~god i'm so close~" Jaden moans loudly, his voice slurred and almost inconherent through the pleasure. If Josh was being honest his high was coming up soon as well, he would be embarrased at how fast he was going to come, if he hadn't been hard for the past 4o minutes.

"Need to cum~please can I come Josh~" Jaden's voice sounds wrecked, raspy and thin. Only serving to pull Josh closer to the edge. "Yeah, go ahead" Josh groans out.

Flurries and strings of curse words leave Jaden's mouth as he releases all over his stomach, hole tightening further around Josh. "Fuck Jae" Josh grits out, throwing his head back in pleasure as he spills into Jaden's hole.

After a bunch of soft kisses, Josh runs a bath for Jaden and sets him down into it.

"'m glad for what we have Josh" Jaden says softly, as his limbs relax into the warm water.

Lord this is so much better than the original version.

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