Griffin x Payton🌺

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Halloween, little payton

"Daddy, daddy daddy" Payton squeals as he runs to his care-giver and boyfriend. "Yes?" 

"Can I go twick-o-tweating this year?" he bubbles as he jumps onto the top of their marble island. "Baby, I don't know if that's a good idea—", "Pwease Pwease pweaseeeeeeee" he begs. Griffin sighed as he stared at the boy, "I guess you can trick-or-treat this year, but only if you go with Jaden". "THANK YOU. I love you so much" Payton smiles, he jumps of the counter and runs into his bedroom to put on a costume.

As he was getting dressed he slipped out of little space. Not that that would stop him from going, big Pay loved Halloween just as much as little Pay did. He was a little worried about going trick-or-treating, only because he could slip into little space at any time, he couldn't really control when he did. Also because he wasn't gonna listen to Griffin and he was going without Jaden anyway.

But regardless, it was Halloween and he was gonna have fun.

"Okay baby! I'm gonna go out now." he pecks his lover on the lips. "Please be safe" Griffin says. "I will" Payton yells as he closes their apartment door.


Payton had slowly but surely slipped into little space. He saw other teens and kids who he'd seen around the apartment complex, the candy, costumes and decorations did not help him stay in his normal headspace. It was definitely expected but now he was very vulnerable, very easy to take advantage of.

He knocked softly on the door and some big, gruff, man opened the door. He quickly glanced up and down the boy and smiled. "And whatchu want pretty boy" he smirked, still glancing up and down Payton's body. 

"Twick-o-Tweat" Payton says in that sing-songy voice. "Ay yo, I got a treat for you baby just come inside my house" the guy bites his lip. "I just want candy" Payton smiles, holding the already full bag of candy out. "hmm...I can give you something better than candy" the guy grabs Paytons wrist and pulling him lightly.

"No,no, no I don't wanna go" Payton screams as he tried to take his wrist away. "Shut up, why you so loud" the man whisper-yells as he covers Payton's mouth. He yells as he brings his arm back, elbows the man in the stomach and scrambled away.

He ran down the hall and back to him and Griffin's shared apartment, banging on the door rapidly. Griffin opened the door and Payton immediately wrapped his arms around him. He started to sob as Griffin closed the door and led him back to the couch.

"Baby what happened? Are you okay?" Griffin asked, concerned. "I-I didn't listen and I-I went witout Jae and some guy twied to take me into his apawtment and I ran away and I-I sowwy I didn't listen to you and you pwobably don't want me anymore and I REALLY sowwy" he sobbed. 

"No, no, no. Daddy's not mad at you, I'm not mad that you didn't listen. I should've been there with you, I'm sorry. Everything's okay, you're fine, you're safe and I love you" Griffin murmurs as Payton kept crying into his shoulder.

They stayed like that for a while, and Payton slowly fell back out of little space.

"What movie were you watching?" he asked, finally acknowledging the paused TV screen in front of him.

"um, Saw 3" Griffin responds, knowing what would come next. "Can I watch with you" Payton asks, "I don't want you to have nightmares later though". "I'll be fine Griff, I'm not a child" Payton argued.


Pay grabbed one of his stuffies as he walked softly into Griffin's room, nudging him awake. 

" what is it?" he groaned sleepily. "I scawed, I had a nightmare" he said softly. He had a nightmare inspired by the Saw movie he'd watched with his caregiver.

"you can sleep with me" Griffin said, pulling the sheets sideways so Payton could slide in.

He did and he cuddled up close to Griffin, falling asleep beside his lover, nightmare free.

700 words. A little rushed Halloween one, I know it's not that great but I wrote this in less than 2 hours after I got back from school and I really wanted to post it, although it didn't come out how I wanted. 

If you thought it was good or had some critiques please write them here.

Anyways here's a sneak peek of the next one.

Bryce always hated the phrase, "love is blind"......he hated it even more now.

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