Vinnie x Kio😈

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"Viagras and fails"

Kio was thriving. Openly gay, popular, rich, and best of all dating the Vinnie Hacker.

He didn't really think much about the past, only figured that everyone who bullied him in highschool peaked and he was the only person who actually made something of himself. (a thought that might be true). Though he really didn't care much. 

What were the downsides to dating Vinnie Hacker..............well there's the whole famous thing (which is less of a deal when you're also famous), all the random flirting from girls who clearly hadn't gotten the hint that Vinnie wasn't interested, always feeling like the uglier one in the relationship (beauty was a subjective thing though), and that's really the only things he could think of.

Bonuses. Vinnie's really hot, really nice, he spoils him,  he knows how to skate, Vinnie loves him back, and he has a really big dick. (The first and last ones would be coming into play today, not that the others weren't important)

Kio always loved sex with Vinnie,  he had a big dick, a good stroke game, and could definitely leave Kio limping for a while. He had one thing missing though, pain. Kio loved pain. He still hadn't told Vinnie that he was masochist so technically it was his fault he didn't get any but he wanted some. Vinnie would probably do it if he asked, he'd probably go full sadist. But he hadn't.

Instead of just being a normal person and asking "hey can you maybe like hurt me during sex". Kio decided 'why not give Vinnie viagra so he's even rougher when he fucks me' (you know like a smart person would). So that's what he was doing

They were gonna watch the next couple episodes in one of their favorite Netflix shows, The Unlisted. Though they probably wouldn't be paying attention to the show much. It was Kio's job to get the snacks and drinks while Vinnie turned on Netflix and did all that. 

So while the popcorn was popping he dropped 2 viagras in Vinnie's drink. Technically it was drugging him, but Vinnie would be fine. Plus they were dating anyway. 

He walked upstairs with snacks and sit them on the bed, handing Vinnie his soda, which he took a big sip of. And they started the show.

Roughly 30 minutes in. Vinnie POV:

So, it's been about 30 minutes. We just finished the first episode and we started the second one. But somethings off. 

I'm hot, like I'm about to start sweating. Which is not a common thing, normally I'm cold. Also, I feel really energetic. Like I drank 40 redbulls or just did steroids, randomly. Coupled with the glances that Kio keeps giving me, something is definitely going on. 

It takes me a couple more minutes but then I realize whats going on. He slipped something in my drink. That sounds like a crazy accusation, but I have my reasons for believing that.

Okay, so I don't think so. But apparently girls think I'm hot. Or at least the random chicks at the club and 13-year-old virgins in my comments that write "rail me daddy" and expect a response.

Anyways, when I went out to the club I always got slipped something by someone. Most of the time, viagras. Why?  I don't know, you'd think you'd spike a drink with something more useful but that's not the point. At first they did what they're supposed to do.

Make you horny, give you erections.

But people would give me them to the point that they don't do that anymore, or at least what I'm assuming the recommended dosage is. Now, all I get is sweaty and really pumped with adrenaline. 

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