Tayler x Nate😈🌺?

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Exchange Student

(includes Polish, will have the translation there)

(includes Polish, will have the translation there)

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Tayler POV:

Today is the day that I'm meeting my host family. Akademeia highschool is doing exchange with a highschool in LA, and they chose me since I speak English better than others in school. I got an uber to their house from airport and am now going there. I'm glad that they have lots of places we also have in Poland, lots of things are familiar, like Uber and McDonalds. Very excited to be meeting them for the first time, I hope I do not make a fool of myself or say something bad, I'm not very good with the English language. It's very hard to learn, and mine is broken. Polski (Polish) is much easier. I actually have to think to speak English, if don't I start speaking Polski.

I'm staying for the whole school year if all goes well but if something bad happens I might have to go back, I hope nothing happens though. We pull up to the house and I tip the driver with actual DOLLARS. It sounds crazy but I've never held dollar in my hand before. We use złoty, which are worth a lot less in worth than dollars. One złoty is worth 27 cents in US currency, I'm glad I had lot of them. Anyway, I walk up to the front door. Here we go, first impression, do not blow it.

I knock on the door and stand there with my bags while I wait for the door to open. There's a woman standing there, in her late 40s. "Oh, you're Tayler right! Yes come on in!" she says as she ushers me in. "I'm Ms. Wyatt" she pauses "NATE COME DOWN HERE" she yells. I guess her son name Nate. " I'm sorry we couldn't pick you up from the airport but we were very busy" she says. I hear footsteps behind me from the stairs "I do not mind, the uber ride wasn't bad" I say.

I hear a deep guys voice from behind me "What? Is the exchange student here?" he asks, I turn around. There's a cute boy about my age standing at top of the stairs, he must be Nate. He goes to the highschool I starting at, and boy is he hot. No stop it, you're not to catch feelings for your guide and host family. "Yeah", "Well, Nate show Tayler where your room is so he can get situated." Ms. Wyatt says. "K, follow me"

I pick up bags and follow him upstairs. "So, do you speak English?" he asks, trying to make small talk. "Yes, not well though" I blush. Why am I blushing, he ask me a question and I'm blushing. He opens a door, it has a very wide room. Part of it already has stuff on it, the other is blank besides a bed and dresser. "So this is your side of the room" he says gesturing toward it. I drop my bags on bed and start to unzip them, "Do you want some help?" he asks. "Yeah, would be great" I laugh as I open a drawer. 

"I love your accent" he says as he grabs shirt, placing it in dresser. "Lot of people hate it when I speak English. I sounds better speaking Polski" I laugh, "Wait, say something in Polish" he asks. Figured it was coming eventually "Jestem bardzo szczęśliwy, że jestem w Ameryce, jest bardzo ładny. Cieszę się również, że jesteś moim przewodnikiem po liceum i rodziną goszczącą, ponieważ teraz mogę dzielić z Tobą pokój. Szczerze, jesteś cholernie seksowna." I say, making it sound sexier then it was. His eyes widen "I don't know what you said at all but okay. It sounded hot though" he laughs. (I'm very happy to be in America, it's very pretty. I am also glad that you are my high school guide and host family because now I can share a room with you. Honestly, you are fucking sexy.) 

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