Jaden x Anthony pt. 2😈

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😈Rebellious gay teen wants to worship the devil and fuck the pastors son pt.2😇

Anthony was sitting in the passenger seat of the car, listening to his father as he yelled at him the entire way home

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Anthony was sitting in the passenger seat of the car, listening to his father as he yelled at him the entire way home. "YOU JUST TALKED ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY AND SEXUAL DEVIANCE AND I COME BACK TO SEE A BOY YOU JUST MET  GIVING YOU ORAL! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE SAVING YOURSELF FOR MARRIAGE! AND YOU SURE AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE GAY, ARE YOU TRYING TO GO TO HELL" he yelled. Anthony wasn't one to talk back to his father but he really couldn't see the big deal in being gay, he understood why he was mad at the situation but the issue shouldn't of been who was giving him head. "Yes but why is it such a big deal to like guys. It really shouldn't matter who you love just so long as you're happy" he said calmly as he stared out the window. "YES IT DOES MATTER! THE BIBLE SPECIFICALLY SAYS THAT BEING GAY IS A SIN" his father yells back. Anthony was irritated "But what verse, if any, does it say specifically that you shouldn't be gay"

His father pauses for a second." Leviticus Chapter 18 verse 22, 'a man shall not lie with a man as with a woman. It is an abomination'. Leviticus Chapter 20 verse 13 'They shall be put to death; their blood is upon them.'" he says. Of course his father could just rattle off random bible verses. He didn't even know why he asked, he already knew it was bad. He just sighed and stared out  the window, wishing to get home so he could get on his phone and text Jaden.

Meanwhile Jaden was getting just as heated of a lecture. "SERIOUSLY JADEN, I thought you were starting to love the Lord but of course not! You just found a cute boy you liked and wanted to flirt with! Of course, you picked the preachers son! YOU DECIDED TO GIVE THE PREACHER'S SON HEAD! You knew he was probably saving himself for marriage AND he wasn't even attracted to guys! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU'RE THE WORST CHILD" his mother yelled at him. Jaden just smirked, not at all fazed by what his mother was saying "If he wanted me to stop he wouldn't of throat fucked me" he said, staring out the window. He felt a stinging sensation as his mother slapped him across the face, but he couldn't help but still be happy. 

"That's it, when we get back I'm taking all your stuff! Your cards, Ouija Board and dark magic shit, all of it's being confiscated! And we're finding a new church, that you WILL be attending regularly!" she yelled. This was the equivalent to Jaden as to someone else it would be taking all their child's electronics. His mood changed instantly "NO, mom please don't! You know how much I care about that stuff, don't take it!" he begs. "I don't want to hear it Jaden"

"Plus I learned stuff there, like the burning bush" Jaden just desperately wanted to see Anthony. "Yeah, and who was at the burning bush?" his mother questions, Jaden paused for a moment. "um...Moses" he said, praying to Satan that it was that old guys name. His mother looked at him "While I'm glad that you're learning, we still aren't going back. You've embarrassed both yourself and Anthony along with both me and the pastor." she says, as she pulled into the driveway. As soon as the car stopped he jumped out "I'M NEVER GONNA BELIEVE IN CHRIST" he yelled as he sprinted to the house, throwing the door open. He was so annoyed and upset and mad at himself and his mother. He ran upstairs to his room and slammed the door, he immediately ripped off his clothes and threw on some sweatpants and a tank. He flung himself onto his bed and did something he hadn't done for a long time, he cried. Not out of sadness but he was SO angry that he couldn't go to see Anthony and that he would have to go to church, AND that his mother was taking some of the most important things to him. 

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