Quinton x The Boys🌺💧

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(the fear of clusters of holes or irregular hole patterns. THERE WILL BE NO PICTURES OF ANY BECAUSE I HAVE IT TOO)


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Bryce POV:

Quinton was asleep in his room, and the boys and I decided to pull a prank on him. It's a little cruel, but hey overstepping boundaries is what we do. He has trypophobia, I really don't understand it but I know it's the fear of clusters of holes or holes on your body. So we printed out a bunch of different pictures of holes and we're gonna paste them all over his room. We have to be quiet though so he doesn't wake up while we do it. It's a bit mean because we don't know how he's going to react to them. 

We printed out pictures of bee hives, clusters of sores on peoples hands, lotus pods, and pinpricks, so we're gonna place them all over his room. It's 1 am and we're gonna do it now since he wakes up at about 9am, which is earlier than all the rest of us. We grab the tape and slowly open the door, tip toeing in. We each pick a wall and a stack of papers, taping them to the wall quietly while Quinton sleeps in his bed. We don't talk, we're too worried about waking him up in the middle of it.

Once we finish taping his whole room it's about 5am. None of us are really tired, even though we've been up all night. We do it all the time. We take a look around, the room looks chilling, it makes my skin crawl. I don't even have the phobia and it's still creepy, I'm beginning to regret this idea, I'm nervous that he might have a anxiety attack from it. BUT, it took a long time to put up so I'm gonna leave it. We go and sit in the living room, watching Netflix until Quinton wakes up.


Quinton wakes up at around 9:10 and sits up in his bed, rubbing at them to get the sleep out of them. Then immediately getting a chilling feeling that something was off, he looks up to see the pictures around the room. He can't even recognize the fact that they are pictures, all he sees is holes. All around him, different sizes different colors and they're closing in around him. He lets out a blood-curdling scream, terrified by the sights around him. He feels his airways closing in on him, his breath is shallowing. He starts clawing at his throat, turning it red as he prays it opens his airways. He stops and starts pulling at his hair, as he lets out another scream. He closes his eyes and it doesn't help, the images are burned into his brain. He sees them when his eyes are closed, he sees them when he looks at his bed, it doesn't matter where he looks it's there, tormenting him.

The boys downstairs hear both the screams and immediately regret their decision, as they sprint upstairs and burst through the doors. The sight before them is sad, Quinton going between pulling at his hair and clawing at his neck as tears stream down his face and he struggles to breathe. Jaden is the first to do something, running over to the boy on the bed and engulfing him in his arms. "Quin, it's okay. Everything's okay." he says softly as he hugs the boy. "h-h-h-ho-holes ev-every- where" he gasps out, as he clings to him. "Guys can one of you get water and the others start pulling down photos" he asks, Griffin walks off to go get the water as the others start to pull them down.

"We're so sorry Quin, we thought it would be funny to scare you. We didn't know this would happen" he says as he rocks him back in forth, trying to get Quinton to calm down. Griffin gets back with the water, handing the cup to Jaden. "Here, let me see your hands" he asks, Quinton's hands are shaking horribly, to the point where if he even holds something he'd drop it. So Jaden waits a little bit, and then starts giving Quinton sips of water. He tries to calm him down slowly.

It took a lot less time to take down the pictures, and once they do they place them on the floor and sit down on the bed along Jaden. "We really are sorry" Anthony says, as he rubs circles on Quinton's back, "We didn't know you would have a panic attack" Griffin adds. "It's okay, I forgive you" he sighs, rubbing at his now dry eyes. He hugs all the boys and then cuddles up between them as they turn on a show and watch it.

800 words, there you go. Here's another one, based off my phobia.

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