Chapter 3: The Start of Summer

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I can't believe that I didn't even recognize the sound of his voice. I also can't believe that he's no longer wearing a stupid hoodie.

He looks way better now.

He began to talk.

"You should really stop referring to me as the 'hoodie guy', I do have a name you know."

His eyes were glistening and I could barely keep track of what he was saying.

"Huh? Yeah... Yeah I should."

Wow. He even smells way better than before.

"Kip, Arent you gonna ask me for my real name?"

I don't care. I'd rather stare at you forever.

"It's John.. My name is John"

I still didn't care. I was still staring at him with so much disbelief.

*Honk!* *Honk!*

I quickly came to my senses when I heard our car's horn. I had to go.

"Well that's me. Anyway, it was nice to finally meet you Joe" I say with my hand out for a handshake.

"It's John" he corrects me, then shakes my hand.

"I mean John..."


I went in our car. My father was behind the wheel and my mother always sat shotgun. My older sister and younger brother rode back with me.

Everyone had a silly grin on their faces. I didn't like it one bit.

"So?" My mother says teasingly, "Who was that absolutely gorgeous boy you were talking with?"

"No one mom, just a guy from my art class." I replied, feeling a little irritated.

We finally arrived home. I don't mean to brag but our house was pretty huge. It pays to have two well known doctors as parents.

I rushed inside our house and into my cream colored room. I just had to lay on my bed for a while and process everything. When night came, the whole family gathered in the dining room, all so ready to eat dinner. As we ate, my father told us the good news.

"Alright, I know that all of you are very excited to know where we will be traveling to, for our summer vacation..."

Please be somewhere great.

"We've already booked our flight and made all the reservations..."

The tension is killing me.

"We're going to Hawaii kids!"

Wow. I was actually excited for this trip.

"When are we leaving dad?" My Sister, Kate, asks.

"First thing tomorrow morning." My dad replies feeling real good about his decision.

After dinner, eveyone quickly packed for the trip. I tend to be an over packer, so naturally I have the largest bag compared to my other family members. Lexy came over that night, she made herself useful and helped me pack. As we were packing, Lexy got a message from her sister.

"I guess I'll be seeing you in Hawaii Kip!" Lexy said jumping around the room.

I felt excitement rush thorugh my vains.


"Yep! My sister just texted me to say that we have a flight booked for Hawaii, but it's on the day after tomorrow. So you'll be arriving earlier than us."

"That's amazing Lex. I guess I'll be seeing you then."

When morning finally came, I couldn't have been more ready to leave. I was so excited for what Hawaii had in store for me, and I just couldn't wait to feel that summer breeze on my face.

At the airport, my whole family and I patiently waited for the plane. Once it was time to board, my father distributed the tickets. I got on that plane like a mad man. I was really excited. My seat was near a window. The window seat was empty.

Great, I'm going to be sitting next to a stranger. But I couldn't care less. I'm off to Hawaii!

I was minding my own business when a familiar voice greets me.

"Hey Kip"

I looked at the person, and my goodness, it was so cliché but I didn't mind, it was John.

"Are you stalking me?" I said teasingly.

"Maybe" he replied, "Hey can you scoot over?"

This is fate. He's even seated next to me.

Both of us casually minded our own business for about 30 mins. Then he began to converse.

"You were right you know."

I looked at him.

"Right about what?" I asked.

I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Do you remember the first time we actually spoke?"

"Yes, when you showed me the piece you were going to do for an art museum in NYC. Why?"

"Do you remember what you told me?"

I felt a little lump in my throat. Then I cleared it to talk.

"Yes, I believe that I said your work wasn't a masterpiece."

He laughed.

"No no, after that."


"Oh, I said that everyone would be in awe of your work, or at least something like that."

"Yes, exactly. You were right. My piece is now the center of that museum, and-" He hesitates to finish.

"And?" I asked, signaling him to continue.

"I'm a bit embarrassed to tell you this, but I sort of dedicated that piece to you."

I was in shock. Completely speechless once again, but this time I was I quick to find my words.

"Wow. You are madly in love with me."

Both of us laughed.

"No, not like that. Gosh, I hope you don't think I'm a creep or something like that"

I didn't. I thought it was actually kind of sweet.

"But why dedicate it to me?"

He smiled.

"I dedicated it to you because you were honest with me, unlike the others who told me lies of what they saw."

I was flattered.

Our plane finally landed. John and I parted ways. I was back again with my family.

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