Chapter 6: The Luau Out

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I was going for a really Hawaiian look. Everything was either floral or green. I ended up wearing a lovely floral dress and I matched it with a green wristband.

When I arrived at the luau out, music had already filled the air. There was laughter and excitement. I sat down with my family and we had a great time. I could hardly keep up with their conversations, and that was because I wasn't paying much attention. I was still pretty bothered by something. As I was trying to figure out what the heck my problem was, a man wearing a Hawaiian shirt went up on stage and announced that a hula contest will start in a short while, this was a contest to be done by partners. I searched the crowd for Lexy. Contests were our specialty. Once I found her, she was already looking at me. When they called the contestants to gather on stage, Lexy and I jolted up from our seats and got up on that stage.

"Woah ladies, calm down." The man in the Hawaiian shirt said. He looked at both of us a little confused. "Where are your partners?"

Lex and I looked at each other and back at the hawaiian guy.

"Oh no, we forgot to mention it didn't we? I'm sorry, it was our fault. This contest is to be done by partners of different sex. A boy and a girl."

WTF. I felt a little embarrassed to be up on that stage.

"Wait!" Yelled a voice from the crowd, "We'll be your partners."

It was John and Jim. They went up on that stage like damn angels. I quickly chose Jim to be my partner. I could tell that John felt a little bad about my decision, but when he turned and looked at Lex, he seemed to have this glow in him. I didn't want Lex to think that I was gonna take John away from her, specially after hearing how much she loved him.

I just didn't want to.

We danced, and I'm not gonna lie it was fun! Now it was down to only the for of us (me,Jim,Lex and John). We were so great at hula dancing that we kept having tie scores. They finally thought of a tie breaker and it was through a song. I was pumped, because singing was what I did best. Music was my art. If John and Lexy got to travel here and there because of art, I got to travel because of my talent and passion for music and dramatics. I was a lover of literature.

I took that mic like a bad ass and I sang my heart out and Jim did the same. We actually won the contest. It was a friendly fight. Our prize was a mountain of ice cream. Naturally, since Jim and I were so kind hearted, we shared it with everyone, plus there's no way we could have finished that prize by ourselves.

So far I was actually having a blast. I wasn't bothered by anything anymore. The night continued on to be fun and trouble free. As I was minding my own business, I got pulled away by John.

What the heck John.

I kept quiet and I decided to just let him drag me to wherever he planned to go. We ended up at the rightmost side of the beach. It was quiet and peaceful. It also had one curved palm tree. It was cool.

"So, do you mind telling me why you kidnapped me?" I said to him looking cross.

He looked at me with such honest eyes, plus the stars and the moon gave him this light that made him look like a damn angel. Every single time. Thanks heavenly bodies. Thanks.

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