Chapter 4: Surfs Up

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Hawaii was absolutely beautiful. After a couple of minutes, my family and I finally arrived at the hotel we were going to stay in. As we were heading to our room, I couldn't help myself but fall in love with the beach. The waves seemed to be calling me.

Once we had settled down, me and my siblings hurriedly put on our swimming attires. All of us rushed to the beach. The water was just right. Not too cold and not too warm. We swam and enjoyed ourselves. After a while, I decided to be adventurous and I found myself in the surfers turf. I had to get the hell out of there because I wouldn't want a surfer to hit me or worse get sucked in a huge wave. I was about to swim away when I felt a surfboard touch my back.

"You know, I don't think you should be so close here without a surfboard."

I didn't even have to look at the person who spoke. It was clearly John.

"You know, you should really stop stalking me." I said teasingly.

I finally looked at the guy.


Once again I have managed to embarrass myself. It wasn't John.

The guy had brown hair, but darker than John's and instead of brown eyes, he had black. He had almost the same smile as John and I could tell that he was taller than John. He looked at me all confused.

"I'm so sorry I thought you were-"

I got rudely cut off by a person yelling in the back.

"Yo Jim!! What's taking you so long man?"

I could hear the guy coming closer to us. It was John.

"Him!" I continued while pointing at John, "I thought you were him."

John noticed me.

"Oh hey Kip!"


John looks at Jim then at me. "Well, I guess you've met my older brother."

Jim smiles politely at me.

Older brother... Hmm.. Makes sense.

I smile right back.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Jim, but I really think it's time for me to go. Bye."

I swam all the way to shore and I looked back at John and Jim who were still looking at me. I smiled and waved goodbye.

My siblings were chilling on the shore so I decided to join them. The three of us sat down on the warm sand and we just enjoyed each others company.

"That handsome guy is really in to you Kip." Kate said while looking at John surf.

"I don't blame him. Who wouldn't fall in love with an irresistible girl such as myself."

Both of us burst in laughter.

"Do you like him?" My little brother, Seth, asked.

"Well, he's nice, but I'm not entirely sure if I like him."

"Okay, good. Stay away from boys, they're stupid."

I laugh at my brother's remark.

"But Seth, you're a boy."

"I mean other boys."

"Haha okay, I'll try."

The three of us spent our entire afternoon on that beach, swimming,surfing and watching surfers. Night fell and Hawaii looked more beautiful than ever.

Torches were lit, there were fire dancers, hula dancers and music filled the air. The waves hitting the shore sounded like music and the wind that blew was cold. I ate so much. Who could blame me? The food was delicious. I practically ate and danced the night away.

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