Chapter 12: Good Bye

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I had trouble getting up, and that was because I felt like I had no reason to get up. I was weak and everything seemed like it didn't matter anymore. I was just laying on my bed and staring blankly at the ceiling...

Just letting my thoughts wander here and there.

Then all of a sudden Kate and Seth barges into my room and gives me a wake up call.

My family always makes me feel so much better.

The two of them jumped up and down my bed like deranged animals.

"Wake up you lazy ass!!" Kate says, still jumping around.

"Yeah Kip!! Why haven't you spent some time with us lately? You missed the family activities." Seth asked me.

I sat down quickly and I grabbed my little brother and started tickling him. He giggled and I hugged him.

"I'm really sorry that I missed the family activities.... It's just that I've been busy about things I shouldn't have prioritized over you guys."

Kate stops jumping and starts to hug me.

"You know that we're always going to be here for you, Kip.... You know that right?" Kate asked, while hugging me and Seth.

I nodded. "Yes, I know. I love you guys."

"Okay... Enough with all this mushy stuff, let's go eat!!" Seth said as he jolted up and heads out the door.

Kate and I just laughed as Seth did what he did.

Someone was hungry.

I looked at Kate who was quiet now, and I realized that she was staring at me with a concerned look on her face.

"So... What happened with the John thing? Were you able to tell Lexy?" Kate asked.

I nodded slowly.

She raised an eyebrow at me. "She wasn't okay with it... Was she?"

I looked at Kate all teary eyed.

She moves closer to me.

"Kip, what do you plan on doing?"she asked.

A tear ran down my right cheek.

"I-.... I'm going to end it with John."

Kate was surprised when she heard me say those words.

"What are you talking about?"

"I have to Kate. I promised Lexy and-"

"Wait!" Kate interrupts me, "Are you saying that Lexy made you promise yo break up with him?"

"What? No no, it's not like that. Lexy was really devastated about the John thing, and dammit I don't think I can continue being with the guy knowing that somewhere out there, my best friend is crying her eyes out."

A lot of tears were running down my cheeks now.

"Is it what you want to do? Will this make you happy?" Kate asked.

I wiped the tears off my face and I looked at her straight in the eyes.

"I want my best friend to be happy... I want John to be happy, and he will be once he finds someone better," as I was saying these words my heart felt like it was breaking into tiny sharp pieces and it gave me unimaginable pain, "I'm not happy about what I'm going to do, but hey... I love the guy, I have to let him go, I just want him to find a girl whom he can be with, someone he can hug and kiss without worrying about hurting someone eles feelings."

I cried and Kate hugged me. My sister felt the pain I was feeling, and she understood me and my decisions.

It felt really good to have her around.

After freshening up, Kate and I headed to the restaurant and had breakfast with the rest of our family. My mom and dad soon found out about what was going on with me lately, and why I haven't spent any time with them that much on this vacation. My mom felt bad about what I was going through and so did my dad.

"Just be with the guy Kip! He is gorgeous, who cares about what Lexy thinks! Let her cry." My mom said jokingly.

My whole family laughed.

"Mom, you know that I can't do that, she's my best friend." I replied.

"Best friend? If she was really your best friend, wouldn't she want you to be happy with the guy? What kind of best friend strips away the happiness of the other?" My mom exclaimed

I noded. "Exactly mom! What kind of best friend would strip away the happiness of the other? I don't want to be that! It's bad enough that I fell for the guy she loved."

My mom was about to comment on what I had said, but all of a sudden Kate signaled us to act natural. John was coming towards our table.

John was now standing behind my chair. He greeted the whole family.

"John? What are you doing here?" I asked nervously.

"I was wondering if you'd like to walk with me on the beach today..." He looked at my family, "When you're done with breakfast that is, and if you're family is okay with me borrowing you for a while."

I looked at my whole famile. All of them nodded.

"Okay, let's go." I smiled as John took my hand and held it as we walked to the beach.

I was nervous as hell. John was obviously worried about my silence. We arrived at the rightmost part of the beach again, and we sat down near the curved palm tree.

"Are you mad at me?" John asked.

Oh shit. Here it goes.

"No, I'm not." I replied.

John continued to look at me. "Then what's bothering you?"

This is it Kip. Just tell him. Whatever you do, don't look into his eyes. Just tell him and leave as fast as you can.

My heart was beating a lot faster now, and my hands were a lot sweaty. I tried my best, but my heart wouldn't let me. I stared at John and it felt like I was looking straight into his soul. I was all teary eyed now. It was like John had read my mind and knew what I was about to say, because tears were falling down his face.

Even when crying, he still looked as perfect as ever.

I didn't know if I could do it. I didn't know if I could dare to break the heart of the guy I loved, but all of a sudden an image of Lexy crying popped into my mind and I knew that I had to do it...

This was literally the hardest thing I had to do in my entire life.

"John.... I'm sorry but-"

Before I could finish talking, Johm quickly hugs me. "Kip, please don't..."

Oh shit.

I freed myself from his hands. "I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore..." I was crying like a baby now, and if anyone else was there, I think they'd have a hard time understanding the words I was saying, "I have to let you go John, and you have to let me go, we need to end this."

John hugged me again, this time it was tighter and it was harder for me to free myself feom it. "Kip... I love you, please... Please don't do this."

"John please... Please don't make this harder for me, I love you and that's why I have to let you go."

He slowly loosened his grip on me. This time it was I that was hugging him. "I have to go... I whispered" I softly kissed John on his lips.

"...You expect me to let you go after that?" He smiled and looked at me.

I laughed and cried, it was a weird time.

"I guess this is good bye..." John continued. "There's really nothing good about it."

I smiled. "Yeah... I guess so."

Both of us stayed there for a while, and the rest is history now.

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