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         It was 9 a.m. and I had already finished placing my belongings back into my bag. I proceeded to the hallway where my family was waiting to finalize our checkout. It was taking some time, so I decided  to go to the beach area, you know... realizing that I havent done it in a while... by myself.

I stood one last time on that beach, just staring at the ocean. I closed my eyes and listened to the world. It was so beautiful. Honestly, I think that I was just trying to find my peace.

        It didn't take long for a breeze to hit my face. It was the summer breeze that I was looking for.

        I took a seashell from my pocket, the one John  had given to me, I held it close and for a moment I looked back at everything that had happened between us, then when I was ready, I threw it into the ocean. Somehow I felt a little lighter, it was that different feel, but in a good way.

I turned around and headed back to the hallway and joined my family, Lexy and her family was there as well. We had the greatest time just laughing and playing jokes on each other.

         We were playing this game where we had to pick a random word from this container and we had to say something about the word. It was my turn to pick. I slowly opened the piece of paper.


I smiled.

"Love is a strange and wonderful thing. It can either make you or break you, for some reason in my case... It was a little bit of both, but honestly it doesn't even matter. When you have the right set of people by your side, you just know that everything's going to be okay. You just know that the pain wont last forever."

        We finally got to the airport, and evryone was so ready to get back home. I sat down on one of the blue chairs in the airport, and Lexy sat beside me.

"Hey," she said

I looked at her.

"Thanks. Thanks for being such a great bestie. I really appreciate everything that you've done for me." She continued, "You're not a bad best friend, and I'm sorry if I am."

I smiled and I hugged her. "Youre not a bad best friend either. I know how you must have felt. Im sorry too, for hurting your feelings."

"It's alright, Kip. I know that you didn't mean to."

When Lexy said those words, I felt so much better. I felt okay again.

        A few hours passed and I finally got on the plane with my family. I looked out of the plane window, and I suddenly pictured John in my head, and there were no regrets.... Just love. 

Forgive my Katy Perry reference. Haha

But on a serious note though, I'm not gonna lie, I'm really going to miss that guy.

      The plane finally took off, and we were up in the air. I had such a great view of the island. Somehow I knew that I would never be the same person again.

I will always feel that a part of me was left on that beach in Hawaii...

or blown away by that warm summer breeze.

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