Chapter 9: Third Party

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John and I decided to take a quick hike. On our way up, we bumped in to Jim and Lexy.

"Hey, I was looking for you.", Jim said to John, then he continues, "And Lex over here was looking for Kip."

John and I just smiled.

"Where have you been Kip?" Lex asks me.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't able to tell you, It completely slipped my mind. Anyway I was at the archery range."

I could tell that Lex was still confused on why I didn't bring her along or at least tell her that I was gonna head somewhere, because that's what I'd normally do.

Luckily John started talking.

"Hey, now that we're all here, this is perfect. It's just that Kip and I randomly decided to adventure the island a little bit by hiking, you guys should come along!" John looked at me expecting me to back him up.

"Oh yeah, both of you should. I mean, the more the merrier right?"

I was sarcastic but obviously Jim and Lexy didn't detect anything because they were absolutely delighted to join in.

The four of us hiked for a good 2 hours. During that hike, I realized that John had no idea that Lexy liked him, but I think he's got the idea now, since Lexy kept on talking to him for the whole hike and on one occassion she even decided to cling on to him, claiming that she was tired. So classic.

I wasn't able to talk to John that much, it was because Jim was busy talking to me and bragging about things I couldn't care less about.

John and I had a problem in our hands. We had a third party, and the people who comprised it were Jim and Lexy. Both of which were people we really cared for, and John and I would hate to see both of them hurt.

Finally, I got the chance to talk to John, because Lexy was busy talking to her sister on her cellphone and Jim was buying drinks for the rest of us.

"John, how are we supposed to tell them about what's going on between us? I don't want to hurt Lexy's feelings." I said in a low voice.

"I know, and I don't want to hurt Jim, but we have to tell them. I don't think it's right to hide this from them, the more we wait, the more hurt they might feel."

I nodded in agreement. "I'll tell Lex once we arrive back at the resort."

John smiled and placed his hand on my shoulder. "I'll do the same with Jim. Hey, it's going to be okay."

We drank our drinks, ate burgers for lunch and chatted for a while. Soon, before it went dark, The four of us headed back down to the resort.

I was tired and nervous at the same time. I had no idea how Lex would react. It was just so awkward for me to tell my best friend: Hey, that guy you really like, well he likes me and I think that I like him too so yeah...

This was obviously going to be very hard.

I told Lexy that I was going to treat her to some dinner, and she was really happy about that. We sat down and I was about to tell her, but she spoke before I could.

"This was really nice of you Kip, so thank you."

Damn. She made me feel worse by being so nice to me.

"You're welcome Lex." I said hating how my voice was a little shaky.

"You okay?" She asked.

I was about to tell her that I wasn't, and I was about to tell her about John and how much I like him and how sorry I was for not telling her earlier. I opened my mouth to speak.

The food had arrived.

Great. Such bad timing.

"Mmmm smells so good!" Lexy exclaimed.

I decided to wait until dinner was over.

We ate and she just talked about the memories we had together. We laughed a lot, but on the inside I was dying slowly. The longer I waited the harder it was for me to just tell her. Dinner was over and both of us were stuffed.

This was it. I should just tell her right now.

"Lexy I-"

*Ring* *Ring*

You have got to be kidding me.

Lexy's cellphone rang.

"Oh! hold on to that thought Kip, I have to get this" Lexy said as she stood up and distanced herself to answer the call.

This was taking forever.

Lexy came back after five minutes, she was quite in a hurry.

"I'm really sorry Kip, but I have to go to my sister's room, she can't find her engagement ring anywhere and she's freaking out." She grabbed her bag and brisk walked out of that restaurant, but before she did, she thanked me for dinner again and she told me that she'd talk to me tomorrow.

Great. Just great.

I got back to my hotel room feeling so weak and a little bit nauseous. I layed down on my bed and I covered my face with a pillow. I kept thinking of loop holes and possibilities on how I was going to do this without hurting anyone. I was unsuccessful. There was no way that I wasn't going hurt anyone.

I rolled over and took my cellphone out of my back pocket, I was going to tell John that I was unable to give Lexy the news.

Kip: John, I didn't tell Lexy. It was so hard.

John: I know what you mean. I wasn't able to tell Jim either.

Kip: I guess we'll have to tell them tomorrow.

John: I guess so.

Try to get some sleep, okay? I'll see you in the morning.

Kip: Okay, you too.

I could hardly sleep at all that night. Too many questions were going through my mind. I felt really bad. I just wanted to be okay again.

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